Tracking manual outbound activity is a nightmare and always open to question. If you have more that 10 agents on outbound it may be worth considering automating the dialling process which will include call belnding, allowing agents to automtically be switched between inbound and outbound based...
I want to automate my outbound calling and had heard that a company called CT-Solutions have a outbound solutions specific to BCM.
Has anyone heard of it?.....What are other people doing with outbound on BCM.
Thanks in advance
Getting stats from Symposium for your outbound campaigns is a managers nightmare and in reality cannot be trusted as relevent. How can you tell if its a customer call or a call to the agents' granny down the street!!!.
SimpleDial is a Nortel certified solution with blending capability. Not...
I am not sure if Nortel provide this functionality. I want to announced to the agents the type of call that is arriving at their set, probably based on the CDN it arrived on.
Any help or comments.
Can some one give me some advice on Nortels agent greeting product. I am investigating automating the agent greeting part of each call in advance of delivering it to the agent.
Any advice on advantages and disavantages would be great.
Consider using a callback solution for any customer waitin too long in the queue...Callback Q4U and queuebuster are solutions that can assist.
Dont wait for Nortel to fix.......
A solution which looks after the callbacks for you is the most efficient and uses less man power to implement. We use a solution called Q4U which takes the customer's number and automated the callback. It also has a useful reporting capability.
With the small number of agents, the estimated waiting time will not be accurate and therefore can end up having a negative effect on customer service. Depending on wait times, abandon rate, call volumn etc, a solution which offers callback opportunity while maintaining the customer position in...
Symposium was not originally designed for any outbound activity, especially from a reporting point of view..hence the head scratching in any outbound symposium environment. There is slide ware that says that they will have a progressive dialler in their Rls 6 (probably expensive. There are...
Have a look at the Nortel compatible product called callback Q4U (Nortel developer partner, CT-Solutions). Same features as Queuebuster but not as expensive. I dont beleive Nortel have any plans to introduce this feature into their own portfolio in the near future.
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