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Search results for query: *

  1. lfoata

    execute command style

    Using ./ or not depends on the shell you are using. For example sh requires the ./, csh or tcsh does not. This is obviouslyt when you are located in the directory where the executable resides. Else the pprevious reply applies. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  2. lfoata

    top command hangs on solaris 8

    Do you have the 32/64 version of top ? You can download the package from sunfreeware.com Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  3. lfoata

    clear command

    Set the TERM variable to the type of terminal you are using. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  4. lfoata

    CDE slow after moving home

    We have some old applications that we still support that run on openwin. No money to transfer to CDE. Anyway, openwin runs on different workstations than CDE. Any USEFUL hints ? Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  5. lfoata

    command to find the Server model

    /usr/platform/PLATFORM_TYPE/sbin/prtdiag -v Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  6. lfoata

    CDE slow after moving home

    We have moved the clients home dir from one server to another server. We use automount. Since the move, CDE takes about 15 minutes to start on the client workstations. CDE binaries are local. If we log in without CDE, the home mounts quickly. Openwin also works fine. Any hints why CDE is so...
  7. lfoata

    NIS access denied after changing adress

    We have an old NIS server (Solaris 2.6) still serving a few clients. We changed the clients address from network 204.19.??.?? to address 10.7.??.??. Since then, we get the error : ypserv access denied for 10.7.??.??. The files hosts, netmasks, securenets, networks have been updated without...
  8. lfoata

    booting off an external CDROM

    One some models of SUN hardware you can and some you cant. For example: You cant on sunfire V120 but you can on a ultra 5. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  9. lfoata

    Command history in csh (amateur question)

    You could use tcsh, same as csh but with more tools. It is free. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  10. lfoata

    rebuild certain tables instead of complete re-import dump

    you are right. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  11. lfoata


    These are used for encryption certificates. You have an encryption key and an encryption certificate. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  12. lfoata

    Hi all, can u please get me some d

    Wrong forum. You should post this on the windows forum. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  13. lfoata

    Help with Find command

    0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * find /var/spool/archive -name "?f*" -mtime +0.16 -exec rm -f {} \; Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  14. lfoata

    Help with Find command

    0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * find /var/spool/archive -name "?f*" -mtime +0.12 -exec rm -f {} \; Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  15. lfoata

    setting up user accounts

    Create a file system with the applications you want to share and then share that file system. You could use /export as a shared file system. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  16. lfoata

    Performance Tuning - SHMMAX

    The 6800 and 880 do not have the same architecture. Do you have the same amount of cache, same CPU speed, same amount of RAM, same hard drive RPM, etc ... In any case a 6800 will always be somewaht faster than a 880 depending on the application. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix...
  17. lfoata

    Upgradation Of Solaris 2.6 to 2.8

    I also recommend a new install. Then restore the setup and data. Upgrade are often as long as a new install/restore and are risky. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  18. lfoata

    Converging Sun ONE and Windows AD - LDAP -

    Soon avalaible with Sun One Directory Server 5.2, you will have for free a synchronisation option that works with A.D. Sun already have a synchro tool for A.D. but It does not synchronize password because of MS propiatary encryption, but Sun says it will do it by June 2003. If you can wait, it...
  19. lfoata

    DT messaging error

    Are the permissions correctly set on the users home directory. You may also want to copy .dt and .dtprofile from another user and try it. Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA
  20. lfoata

    Solaris devices and Active Directory

    Tivoli must have an agent from solaris. Check the IBM site Too bad I.T. is not cash business Luc Foata Unix sysadmin, Oracle DBA

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