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Search results for query: *

  1. InnSun

    up2date won't run

    my estimation is this where rpm is being a little overprotective of its stores... Try : # rpm -Fvh up2date-[complete-with-tab] --nodeps --force THEN # rpm -Fvm up2date-gnome[complete-with-tab] [complete-with-tab] means, of course, hit the right tab while in the directory where the file (in...
  2. InnSun

    up2date won't run

    Please post the output of each - rpm -q up2date rpm -Uv /Path-to-RPM/up2date~ # whatever the package name is) rpm -q up2date-gnome thx johnny i
  3. InnSun

    Automate importing macro into new spreadsheet

    Thanks Skip! Ok this is what I did although it may not be the most effecient: Created a new template with a blank sheet and the function IdNoPr. Then, in Auto_Open: Do everything as before with the text import. Save to .xls file on drive E:\. Close this .xls file. Create a new .xls file based...
  4. InnSun

    Highlight Select Text in Linux Terminal Window

    well in mandrake 9.1, in kde I entered xterm -fn 10x20 then filled the terminal with ls -latr cursor select works. meaning i get a reverse background on whatever my left-click-cursor-swipe moves over. the selected part goes into the buffer / clipboard immediately and can be pasted somewhere...
  5. InnSun

    Automate importing macro into new spreadsheet

    Thanks Mike! Ok "worksheet that contains the macro": you mean the auto open macro, right? I just ran this macro again. Three .xls files are currently open (at completion) in three windows: personal.xls = always open with excel, contains a handful of general macros; the ones that...
  6. InnSun

    Automate importing macro into new spreadsheet

    Please help with a slight problem automating a process for my user. Currently, with one click of an icon, they can open a text file ftp'd from the Mainframe, have it put into excel columns, and have it "made attractive" with text formats and colors. There is one part that I cant...
  7. InnSun

    Mandrake 9.0 to9.1 upgrade problems

    no problem glad it's working [thumbsup]
  8. InnSun

    Mandrake 9.0 to9.1 upgrade problems

    my $.02 What version of libz is currently on that upgraded system? # rpm -qa |grep zlib now, where is the 9.1 cd with the newer version? Let's say it's on cd1 . OK mount cd1 # cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS/ # rpm -Uvh zlib <hit tab to complete> <enter> what messages does it give? please...
  9. InnSun

    Show warnings with mysqlimport

    thanx sleipnir214. Sorry, i got ahead of myself here. The feature &quot;SHOW WARNINGS&quot; is not currently available. It is proposed for the 4.1 release (alpha only currently) and may not even be available there (see the comment at the end of this reference manual page...
  10. InnSun

    Show warnings with mysqlimport

    Hi, Using mysqlimport (from the shell command line) is more convenient at times than running LOAD DATA INFILE... from within mysql. However, I don't seem to be able to view warnings that the import may produce. If it was run from within mysql, then the command SHOW WARNINGS; immediately after...
  11. InnSun

    Command line parms to init services

    Please help with somewhat of a newbie question: I want to change the way a service starts on boot: to run with a particular command line parm. Is this the normal procedure (speaking generally)??: (emacs or vi) /etc/init.d/<yourservice>d ----> look for the execute line in the script ----> add...
  12. InnSun

    Non-text multi-user switching

    thanx venkman the script works fine! had a gui running on :0 so it found :1 open and started a new kde session there. AND although it's perl it looks easily portable into my existing bash &quot;startx interface&quot; script. (of course, maybe it's time to stop putting off learning perl...)
  13. InnSun

    Non-text multi-user switching

    venkman, would appreciate that script very much. I had tried it myself with: echo Listing possible handles for an existing session who -w if [ -f /var/run/console.lock ] ; then cat /var/run/console.lock fi wmg: I'm not hijacking your post - you simply started a good discussion :-)
  14. InnSun

    Non-text multi-user switching

    Red Hat starts tty1-6 as text terminals by default. tty7-12 are therefore reserved/available for gui (&quot;X&quot;) sessions. they of course correspond to cntl-alt-F7 thru F12. In the startx command the &quot;--&quot; separates the client part of the request from the server part. &quot;:n&quot...
  15. InnSun

    Runtime Java and installation of OpenOffice

    actually probably not a problem with ms compatibility... I first got this message installing staroffice a year ago (whatever the last free version was) on a red hat system. Recently I downloaded the newest Open Office version (1.02?) and did a upgraded what I had on RH 8.0. Got the same message...
  16. InnSun

    Non-text multi-user switching

    Why not (from your gui session) CTRL+ALT+F2 login: <user1> password: <password> $ startx -- :1 of course, what type of gui session is determined by one of several things. The easiest is to have a : /home/user1/.Xclients /home/user1/.Xclients-default where the latter file contains something...
  17. InnSun

    OpenOffice as MySql Client

    Just a general note: Joe Barr has an interesting couple of articles starting here: http://www.linuxworld.com/2003/0207.barr.html In the forum following the article(s) you have some shared experiences documented (and, IMHO, some caustic and unnecessary comments from anonymous %-( ) regarding...
  18. InnSun

    Writer Page Preview has limited zoom capability

    Is &quot;Page Preview&quot; meant to be analogous to WORD &quot;Print Preview&quot;? Selecting zoom in OO Writer page preview doesn't give an option for magnification, only for rows & columns, which is a specification of how many pages to preview. To see only one page is zoom level 1x1. The...
  19. InnSun

    OpenOffice as MySql Client

    brotherpeter, Thanks for your reply. I'm glad to know that relationships has been given some attention, albeit in other database servers. Isn't ADABAS what primarily makes the difference between OO (free), and StarOffice 6.0 (Commercial)? Oh well, my friend has a copy of SO 6.0; maybe I can...
  20. InnSun

    mvs tutorial

    Sri, When you say the MVS TUTORIAL, do you mean the document in BOOKMANAGER on MVS? Most of those you can get from IBM on the net. Check out (For MVS): http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr_OS390/Shelves?filter=IEA&SUBMIT=Find Often these documents are available in PDF format for...

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