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Search results for query: *

  1. SLAbel

    Does PL/SQL have a RowCount

    Hello, Just for all of you who want to kno for sure. I am at work and I have tested it and the above way is not correct. You DO use sql%rowcount BUT you use it like this: Procedure MyDelete(strValue IN VarChar2, intRows OUT Number) Is intRows Number(11); Begin...
  2. SLAbel

    Does PL/SQL have a RowCount

    Would I use it like this to return the number of rows deleted? Forgive me, I am not at work now and cant test it. Procedure MyDelete(strValue IN VarChar2, intRows OUT Number) Is Begin Delete From MyTable Where MyColumn = strValue; Select sql%rowcount...
  3. SLAbel

    Executing Oracle SP in ADO...

    If you are going to run it like that, then the command type would be SQLtext and I think you need to surround the execute with a Begin and End;. I have used the following code to execute a stored procedure: [code] Dim cn As ADODB.Connection Dim cm...
  4. SLAbel

    Does PL/SQL have a RowCount

    Hello, Using SQL Server, I could get the number of rows effected by a delete statement by using @@RowCount. I have looked through my books but as I am not sure what the value/function would be called, my search has come up empty. Any help you could provide would be nice. Thanks scott
  5. SLAbel

    MSFlexGrid & DataGrid

    I know this is a long time after the origional post but..... I have been able to assign an ADO recordset object to the DataSource property of the DataGrid and the hierarchical FlexGrid. I haven't tried the regular FlexGrid though. Scott #-)
  6. SLAbel

    how to connect/use oracle store procedure in VB

    Hello, * What do you want to do? * Do you want to insert/update/delete row(s)? * Do you want to retrieve a recordset back from the Procedure? * What version of ORACLE? * What version of ADO? scott #-)
  7. SLAbel

    What on earth is wrong with this?!?! (ADO/Addnew)

    Hello, I tried your code and got the same problem. I was able to make it work by setting the CursorLocation propety to the client: rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic rs.LockType = adLockOptimistic rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open "GOBI_TitleTemp", cn, , ...
  8. SLAbel

    VB Newbie DLLs

    Hello, I believe that you can accomplish what you want by setting the Instancing property for your class to 6-GlobalMultiUse. I belive that this setting will allow you to use your class functions as if it were an intrinsic(sp?) control. Hope that helps scott
  9. SLAbel

    Tree view level..

    Hello, What I do with tree view control data is use a "/" or a "\" as a delimiter for the key of the node. I concatinate the keys when forming sub keys: ie. /one + /one/one /one/one/one /one/one/two /one/one/three + /one/two /one/two/one...
  10. SLAbel

    Considerations on organizing an application...

    Hello, Ok, it sounds to me like you have already made up your mind on which way you want to go. So addressing your question on debugging: You shouldn't have to change anything to debug the DLL. I am assuming that the EXE and the DLLs are going to be written in VB right? If so you can just...
  11. SLAbel

    Considerations on organizing an application...

    Not sure exactly what you mean.. >>So the main application will call those dll, that are >>in fact sub applications(however they have forms too!) >>The desavantage that I see in this approch is that I >>will not be able to run this sub applications...right? You should be able to run them...not...
  12. SLAbel


    Sure, In the correct event, after you handle it you just set the Row and col properties to what ever you want them to be. For example: Private Sub grd_Click() With grd MsgBox "Click @ " & .Row & ", " & .Col .Row = 1 .Col = 1 End With...
  13. SLAbel

    Creating VB6 Programs for Pocket PC

    Hello, I haven't done it my self. I know there used to be a Windows CE toolkit for VB but now It appears that Microsoft has combined everything into the Windows CE Platform Builder 3.0. Hope this is what you are looking for. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/embedded/ce/tools/default.asp...
  14. SLAbel

    Loss Connection Detection in ADO

    Hello, You need to dim the connection with events: Dim WithEvents con As ADODB.Connection Then there will be a disconnect event that will/should be fired when the connection is disconnected: Private Sub con_Disconnect(adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection)...
  15. SLAbel

    cancel update

    I believe that you can, if you are using bound controls, use the CancelUpdate() method of the recordset object that you have bound to. You have to check the status of the recordset first. There may be other statuses that you need to check for but the following code should work. If (rs.State...
  16. SLAbel

    Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 6.0

    I think this is what you are looking for: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/embedded/ce/tools/default.asp scott
  17. SLAbel

    Where do I get this toolkit please ?

    I think this might be what you are looking for: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/embedded/ce/tools/default.asp scott
  18. SLAbel

    Add new table and have Public Roles automatic..

    Hello, No I dont think you can default the permissions to public. The only way I could see would be to grant the permissions at the time you define the table using the GRANT command. For example: Create Table MyTable ( pk_SLAbel Integer, Name VarChar(50) ) go Grant Select...
  19. SLAbel

    DSN-less connection to a VFP 6 database

    Hello, Check out this site. It has a ton of DSN-Less connection string samples. http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htm The one for Visual Foxpro can be found at: http://www.able-consulting.com/ADO_Conn.htm#ODBCDriverForVisualFoxPro Hope that helps you scott
  20. SLAbel

    Problem installing a VB ADO Oracle App.

    Hello, I had this problem also. Apparently some registry settings are incorrect or missing. See the following Knowledgebase article. It corrected my problem. Q264012 - PRB: Connectivity Issue with MDAC and Oracle8i http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q264/0/12.ASP Hope this...

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