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Search results for query: *

  1. Ersbygubben

    Minimizing window hides it completely

    Hello, it happened again. Running Win-98. Wordwindow disappears completely when I try to shrink it from the middlebutton in the topright corner. On the taskbar I can see the application is still active, but since the window disappeared, I can't resize it to something smaller from full screen...
  2. Ersbygubben

    Unknown traffic on my broadband?

    Thanks everyone for good suggestions. I am behind Symantechs firewall that should take care of unwanted traffic. And I don't think I have any viruses lurking in my machine and I frequently use the Spybot to get rid of any spywares (very seldom any of those get into my PC). So it's still a...
  3. Ersbygubben

    Unknown traffic on my broadband?

    I run Win2000Pro and have my computer online all the time. One day when surfing the net, I noticed that there was constant traffick on my line. Thought it was some automatic updating of my virusprotection or the like, but it kept on for quite a time and then I checked my communication and it...
  4. Ersbygubben

    Win 2K & Win media player 7.1

    I had problem with the newer version. I lost my CD-stations. Both DVD and burner. It was so serious, I had to reinstall Win2KPro and everything else. I don't know what did the bad trick, but I installed the v.7.1 again and everything is fine.
  5. Ersbygubben

    How do I stop EXEL 2000 from making an e-mail entry active

    Thanks. But I didn't find the Undo Hyperlink there. But I found another way, although slower; make an enpty cell contain number 1, rightclick it and choose COPY. Then highlight the cell (or cells by keeping contrl down) then Click Edit/Paste Special and under Operation click Multiple and then OK...
  6. Ersbygubben

    How do I stop EXEL 2000 from making an e-mail entry active

    Can anyone tell me how to turn off this automatic formatting from a column or even a cell. I am compiling a memberlist with addresses, telephonenumbers etc. and e-mail addresses in Exel 2000 and as soon as I write the e-mailaddress, exel puts a line under (makes it into a link) which emediately...
  7. Ersbygubben

    Deleting a program or directory

    Hi, from somwhere a program has got into my C:partition under the name "Alset". This program tries to axcess the net whenever I open connection. I don't know what this program does or who is using it, so I block its axcess of internet. Now I want this directory deleted, but whatever I...
  8. Ersbygubben

    Can't manage DirectCable Connection

    ETID I think I have set up everything but then again, what's natbui? When I connect the two PC:s, they tell me after a little while they are connected and then after that the guestPC asks me for the name of the hostPC and I write it as I wrote it in the DDC setupwindow, but the guest says it...
  9. Ersbygubben

    Can't manage DirectCable Connection

    Thanks eamc. I run 98 on both and have named the computers, but stillno go, but if you say it may take some time before anything happens, maybe I have been too hasty. Will be more patient.
  10. Ersbygubben

    Can't manage DirectCable Connection

    Hi, I am having troubles with DCC. Connection OK, but I can't see files on the other computer and even less copy or move them. I have tried every hint and help Windows provides, but there must be something I don't understand here so please can anybody tell me step by step what to do. Hints talk...
  11. Ersbygubben

    Start of IE or Netscape from a address.

    Thanks luceze. I tried your suggestion, noticed I have the box checked, but IE still don't ask me if I want it default. So what next? Of course I can always uninstall Netscape, but sometimes it is better than IE, so that option doesn't feel so good. :-(
  12. Ersbygubben

    Start of IE or Netscape from a address.

    When I encounter an http-address somwhere (ie. in Eudora) and click on it, this opens Netscape. And since Netscape v.6 is very slow to start, I would like to change this automation so it will start IE instead. I fixed this for a friend some years ago, but now I cant fix it for myself. Forgot...
  13. Ersbygubben

    System Resources

    Just one more thing that eats up a lot of resources and dont show up is your fonts. In the beginning I loaded all fonts available from Win 98, and then got low resources as soon as I started to work something little more than writing letters. Then somebody told me to skip most of the fonts and...
  14. Ersbygubben

    Word-window shrinks completely away

    pjm, thanks. I found my lost schrunken window. It was far away left since it took several seconds before it appeared. But now it seems I have it where I want it. :-)
  15. Ersbygubben

    Word-window shrinks completely away

    Back to problem with shrinking Word-window. The upper-left button didn't work after all. So, anyone have an idea about how to restore the shrinked window to something like say half the size of display?
  16. Ersbygubben

    Word-window shrinks completely away

    Thanks Simon, I feel stupid, but relieved. I never realized that this upper-left thing was a button. X-)
  17. Ersbygubben

    Word-window shrinks completely away

    Problem is that I can't shrink the Word-window to something less than maximize. When clicking on the shrink-button in the right upper corner, the window shrinks away down under the Word-startbutton I have in the Office-taskbar. Version is Windows 98 and Office 97! Where can I define the size...
  18. Ersbygubben

    Excel conditional format

    Thanks techlady for asking this question. I had the same problem some time ago, and skipped it since I did exactly the same thing you did. But I wasn't up to asking somebody how! X-) ersbygubben
  19. Ersbygubben

    Calculating referensnumber?

    Well the original number is the 123456 and the digit 1 is the checknumber. But the referensnumber can be any amount of digits from three up to 20 or more.
  20. Ersbygubben

    Calculating referensnumber?

    We use referensnumbers in invoices etc. and one is calculated so that you multiply the ref.numbers last digit with 7, the second last with 3, the third last with 1 and the fourth again with 7, the fifth with 3 and so on. The results you get you add and get a number. This number is rounded up to...

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