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Search results for query: *

  1. MeDeeSa

    Sort Columns on DataGrid without AutoGenerating Columns

    You need to use the SortExpression="xxxx" where xxxx is the name of the column to sort on. Dee
  2. MeDeeSa

    Data Grid Aligning columns

    Use the ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right" property for those columns you wish to right align. Dee
  3. MeDeeSa

    Session variables destroyed

    I was having the same problem.... except it only happened when I ran a certain report - I could run 59 other reports with no problem... but whenever I ran this one report I lost session variables. We tried running the app from a different web server and the problem disappeared. So on two web...
  4. MeDeeSa

    pass date field from web page to crystal report

    It should be in this format: DateTime(1900,1,1,1,1,1) So we create a function to send it to csp page in same format function formatCESDate(strDate) { var mm,dd,yy,newDate,cesDate if ((strDate !=null) && (strDate != "")) { newDate = new Date(strDate) mm =...
  5. MeDeeSa

    URL Syntax error with reserved asp character (&)

    I ended up ditching the URLEncode in favor of the REPLACE function and it does indeed work. Thanks so much for your help! Dee
  6. MeDeeSa

    Error when passing a "?" through the querystring

    Did you ever find a solution for this problem?
  7. MeDeeSa

    URL Syntax error with reserved asp character (&)

    I tried the %26 but it still doesn't work. I actually do a URLEncode on it before I call the viewer...
  8. MeDeeSa

    URL Syntax error with reserved asp character (&)

    Has anyone had to send a string parameter containing the & with quotes around it? ie. promptex0="B&C-I" I keep getting a syntax error because the activex viewer cuts the parm off at the B because URL sytax uses the &... Thanks! Dee
  9. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Naith: Well, we finally figured out that the problem is with the Java viewer provided by Crystal. It doesn't work with the JAVA viewer.... Thanks! Dee
  10. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Naith: I'm working with Crystal Support - hopefully they will help resolve the issue and I'll let you know the outcome... Thanks! Dee
  11. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Naith: By the way, crystal enterprises is executing a Stored Procedure on the back-end. Does that make a difference? Dee
  12. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Naith: Here are the combos I've tried: prompt1= Set to Null - Yes Prompt for value - Yes Report does not use all parms so blank report displays prompt1=409679 Set to Null = Yes Prompt for value - Yes Report is correct prompt1= Set to Null - Yes Prompt for value - No Report is correct...
  13. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Naith: Keeping in mind that I've already logged in to CE and don't have to pass credentials, here are a couple of the hyperlinks I've tried (promptex1 should be null)...
  14. MeDeeSa

    Dynamic hyperlink syntax

    Lisa/Naith: I noticed in this thread that you are very knowledgeable about passing parms in the URL. I was hoping you could help me out... How do you pass null values in the URL? It seems I've tried every combination from both CE and the CSP and nothing works... any suggestions? Thanks! Dee

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