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Search results for query: *

  1. Kijori

    Help to clear the air...

    Need some understanding here. I've got a movie clip (myMovieClip) in the Library. I then drag, 5 copies of it to the timeline and named them myMovieClip01, myMovieClip02, myMovieClip03, myMovieClip04 and myMovieClip05. I scripted a onClipEvent (mouseDown) for myMovieClip01. When I clicked on...
  2. Kijori

    Loading External Data into Array

    As the subject mentioned, how do you do that? My purpose of doing this is it will give me the flexibility in changing the name of the text files to be displayed when an event is called. I created an empty array in the main timeline... and tried this for the text file: arrayItem[0]="story1.txt"...
  3. Kijori

    Fading a picture in and out

    thanks guys for the help here. cheers!
  4. Kijori

    Fading a picture in and out

    hey glosso, you are right. a tween or two would work fine for a few pictures. but i'm working on a photo album and i think using ActionScript would be more ideal. thanks for the post. will look into AfterEffects.
  5. Kijori

    Targeting variables in movie clip

    The scenario: Main timeline has 2 Movie Clips; mcA and mcB. In mcA, I've created variable x and in mcB, variable x in their respective timelines. In each Movie Clip, I've also created a function each, function A and function B. Now, how do I address the variable x in mcA for function A? The...
  6. Kijori

    Fading a picture in and out

    setInterval() calls a function at a specific time interval right? i'll be using that to change the images displayed. but what i want to know is how to fade out and fade in the image. this effect would be nice over the abrupt change in images.
  7. Kijori

    Fading a picture in and out

    as the subject mentioned, how to fade out the old picture and fade in a new one? i don't seem to be able to find help on this anywhere...
  8. Kijori

    Confused Over loadVariablesNum()

    hey thanks oldnewbie! by the way, care to explain the purpose of _level0 thingy? what specifically does it do?
  9. Kijori

    Confused Over loadVariablesNum()

    don't seem to be able to display external variables in textfield. here's my problem... in main timeline, i've got a movie clip (myMovieClip) which contains a dynamic textfield (myTextfield). the dynamic textfield has a variable named myText. in the main timeline, i have this script...
  10. Kijori

    How do I disable the mouse rollover after a button has been clicked?

    just disable the button by doing this: on (press) { loadMove("WIFI7.swf", "_root.mytarget"); (path).myButton.enabled = false; } however, you musn't forget to enable the button back.
  11. Kijori

    Pause Animation on rollover

    if you are using motion tween to animate your film strip, you can use this: on (rollOver) { stop(); } to continue playing when mouse-out: on (rollOut) { play(); } i think this should be it.
  12. Kijori

    Individual Progress Bar?

    erm... ok, i have a script for the progress bar at the main timeline (for the main movie). in the main timeline, i have a movie clip to display pictures. so, you mean to say that i will have to copy the script from the main timeline to the picture movie clip's timeline?
  13. Kijori

    Individual Progress Bar?

    Hi, How on earth do I create a Progress Bar for each image that is being loaded for viewing? Is it the same as the Progress Bar for a movie clip?
  14. Kijori

    getting from movie back to html page

    yeah... thanks. that's what i'm looking for. it's easier this way as when everytime i publish the html page from flash, i have to retype the javascript portion into the html document.
  15. Kijori

    Preloader problem...

    oldnewbie -> thanks for the explanation. Now I know why the preloader movie doesn't show up until the very last second. pixl8r -> loadMovie() works when attaching jpegs externaly right? what about loading those jpegs already imported into the Library? same loadMovie() function?
  16. Kijori

    getting from movie back to html page

    I'd like to borrow this thread for something similar. To open a window, we can use the: on(release){ getURL("javascript:openWindow()"); } and we need to add this function into the header of the parent html document. Is it possible not to include the javascript function into the html document...
  17. Kijori

    Preloader problem...

    I'm not using the library ones. I created one using a movie clip. By the way... side-track a bit. Is there a way to attach bitmaps (downloaded to the library) to a movie clip using ActionScript? Like how we attache movie clips to another movie clip using the attachMovie() function. When I...
  18. Kijori

    Preloader problem...

    The main timeline of my movie consists of just 2 frames; 1st frame is for the preloader and the 2nd is for the contents. I viewed the Bandwidth Profiler, the first frame is 128KB and the second 10KB. When I did a Simulate Download, the preloader do not work. It will only appear around 99% of...
  19. Kijori

    Looking for some opinions and help...

    I want to display contents from the selected menu options. I don't want to display them directly on stage because I've created a movie clip which is suppose to change image periodically. This image acts as a wallpaper. I've found out about the getURL function which uses the javascript to open a...
  20. Kijori

    Help with Layering

    I want to emulate the Mac OS. I've created a menu (a movie clip) with some options. When one of them is clicked, a "window" (which is a movie clip) will open. This window has an alpha value of 85%. When this movie clip is above the menu, and when the mouse is over the menu with the window in...

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