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  • Users: chiuchimu
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  1. chiuchimu

    Problems connecting to an Access Database, can find object

    I had a simular problem happen to me. Your solution was different than mine. My database was Access2000 and I was trying to connect it to VB6 program. I converted the Access database to an earlier version then it worked fine!
  2. chiuchimu

    scan a bitmap for &H0& (black)

    Sorry, haven't worked with transparences and don't have the time to find out for you. But, here is what you can do to find out for yourself. Get a winamp skin that has transparences. Rename the extension to zip and unzip it. You will see about 8~10 bitmaps. Look in each bitmap for...
  3. chiuchimu

    regular expression/replace spaces

    Someone else will probably put out a better Idea. But this StoneAge method does work! In a form place two textboxes and a button: Option Explicit Const DSPACE = 32 Const DQuat = 34 Const DUNDERLINE = 95 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim Number As Integer Dim Flag As...
  4. chiuchimu

    scan a bitmap for &H0& (black)

    Depends on bmp resolution. Black in 24 bit mode is three bytes "000" go to this thread to get headerfile info thread222-197569 if color palette is used. Look thru color palette(section of file right after header and before actual picture data) for "000" the order in which...
  5. chiuchimu

    Create a Bitmap

    Heres some help to deal with 4 byte boundary. ( BmpH=BmpFileheader and BmpI=bmpinfoheader ) Linelength=(BmpH.bfsize - BmpH.bfoffsetbits)/bmpI.biheight This gives line lenght in bytes. For 8 and 24 bit pixels, use the bytesperpixel field to calculate the actual linelength...
  6. chiuchimu

    Drawing Lines

    If all you want is a line in a frame, place a line control. you can move it around and change its color etc.. If your making table grids that size dinamically I agree with strongm, a picturebox is best.
  7. chiuchimu

    Unrecognized Data Format

    Have you tried to export a good copy as a coma deliminated text. Then import the database in this form into the current users Access?
  8. chiuchimu

    Line Command in a Frame?

    Dont think you can use the line method on a frame but you can place a line in a form at design time and move it during run time. place a frame and a line in the frame. put a button anyware private sub command1_click line1.x1=0 line1.y1=0 line1.x2=frame1.width line1.y2=frame1.height end sub
  9. chiuchimu

    Problems Using MSDN

    Know what you mean, I got mine from a friend. It was the DVD version of everything microsoft ever documented(7GB!) My opinion, find answers online and use msdn by table of contents or index. never by keyword search. Now, if anybody knows how to trim down an already installed msdn I'm all ears...
  10. chiuchimu

    Scroll Bars

    use a picturebox(PB) inside a picturebox. place PB1 where you want it in the form and place PB2 inside PB1. Next, place scrollbars(SB) under and to the right of PB2. Set the scalemode property of all three to pixels. Set the autosize property of PB2 to true. Form1_Load()...
  11. chiuchimu

    VB source code

    Here are some places for code http://www.planet-source-code.com http://www.vbworld.com http://www.vbsquare.com http://www.vbforum.com For the text editer try searching in http://www.cnet.com type in "text edit" or "word processer" in the searchbox and select "see all...
  12. chiuchimu

    Dynamically removing items from combo box

    Oops. One had 3 and the other had 4! My point was to get the string in the list without using additem. I leave the finer details to you - Gentlemen of the Forum.
  13. chiuchimu

    Top/Bottom Justification

    I think your better of using strings or userdefined data type but if you want an array.... dim A() as byte 'this declares an array of bytes dim fp as integer fp=freefile() Open "YOURINPUTFILE" for input as fp redim A(SIZEYOUWANT) ' this alocates ram memory for array for i=1 to...
  14. chiuchimu

    Dynamically removing items from combo box

    Private Sub cboSelCat_Click() Select Case cboSelCat.Text Case "Accommodation" cboSelSubCat.list(0)= "Hotels" cboSelSubCat.list(1)= "Guesthouses" cboSelSubCat.list(2)= "Hostels" Case "Restaurants&quot...
  15. chiuchimu

    Top/Bottom Justification

    Don't know what you want to do but here is info on arrays dim StrArray() as string 'array of strings dim temp as string dim Fp as integer dim Index as long fp=freefile() open &quot;YourFileName&quot; fp for input Index=0 do until(EOF) lineinput #fp,temp if temp <>&quot;&quot; then redim...
  16. chiuchimu

    Sliding Bar Gets Faster!!!

    timer event is not accurate. Windows tries to do event every interval but might fail. Try regulating the timer place in module: dim Tsec as long dim TLast as integer place in form: timer_Click() if TLast <> second(time) then Tsec=Tsec+1 TLast=second(time) endif if tsec >= 5 then 'put...
  17. chiuchimu

    Avoiding automatic click event

    MrEGuest is correct on dropdown event. I thought you wanted a click triggered by selecting from the dropdown list. If you haven't used the dropdown event before, you should know that its triggered when the down arrow next to the combobox is clicked. NOT WHEN YOU SELECT AN ITEM.
  18. chiuchimu

    vb6 can't open help file

    I'm running MSDN on both IE5.0 and IE6.0 with no problems and I have VB6 Enterprise edition like you. Unless you come up with a better Idea, what about uninstalling / reinstalling IE. Its a hassle and it may not work.
  19. chiuchimu

    Avoiding automatic click event

    I know what you mean. The otherway is to call the api and handle the messeges yourself. From that perspective, one extra if...then wrapper is not that bad.
  20. chiuchimu

    Please Help - Combining Binary Files

    Most files have whats called a header file. This is the first section of the file and it contains data on interpeting the data. I have never manipulated a pdf file my self but I bet that is why you cant simply merge the files. I have experience in dealing with bmp and pcx bitmap files and to...

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