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Unrecognized Data Format 1

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Oct 18, 2001

I originally posted this in the Active Reports forum but received now answer so I am appealing to all. The original message is on the bottom.

I still do not have a solution for this. The original Access DB was written in Access 2000 and converted to an earlier version. The other version on the development system was Access from Office 95. The system that they moved it to has Access 97. I have installed MDAC 2.6 .

I am using ADO condrols. The only portion of the application that is not working is the Active Reports Section.

Any and All guidance is appreciated.


Original Message in Active Reports Forum

I have an application that was running fine on one system, however, the end user decided to use a different PC for the application months after the install. The user now receives the following message while trying to print reports.

Active Reports Error
Error 5000: Error in processing Report Extended Information.
Unrecognized data format "C:\Progress\CHITEST2.MDB

They are running MDAC version 2.1.3711.11(GA)

The PC that I developed the application on is not available to check its version from.

All help is appreciated


Have you tried to export a good copy as a coma deliminated text. Then import the database in this form into the current users Access?
Does this have to be done one table at a time or can the entire DB be exported?

I am willing to try any thing at this point.

I used the ODBC Data Source from the control panel to Compact and repair the DB, however this did nothing to correct my problem.

Can anyone tell me which keys represent STRESS. Any guidance is welcome.
I'm not overly familiar with ActiveReports, so the following thought is an educated guess.

It looks like it may be down to versioning of the DAO/ADO/RDO components.

Consider the development machine:
It looks like it has the JET 4.0 components installed on it

Consider the machine that is having problems:
MDAC version is MDAC 2.1 without SP2
This, at best, has the Jet 3.5 components on it.
Upgrading this on the target machine that is using Access 97 to MDAC 2.6 (or later) still leaves you with Jet 3.5, since MDAC 2.5 was the last version of MDAC to include any Jet components.

SP you have two options.
1) Uninstall MDAC 2.6, install MDAC 2.5, then reinstall MDAC 2.6 (or later).
2) Have a look at:
Thank you!!!

Although I have not completely tested the application on the new machine, the first indications are that the Jet4sp3 above has fixed the problem.

This is one that I will not soon forget.

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