Please help with the following.
I have an Execute Process Task calling a bat file, (File1) with arguments, in a loop. I want SSIS to wait for it to complete before going to the next value in the loop. It doesn't seem to do that.
The File1 that SSIS calls makes a call to rcmd to run File2...
I have a SQl task that runs a query that is assigned to an Object type variable. There are 4 columns being returned by this query. First 3 are string and last is a tinyint. Then in a Foreach loop I use Foreach ADO Enumerator to extract the rusults out from this Object variable. In the...
Can anyone tell me if Seagate Info 7 can be made to work with Active Directory? I haven't found anything on Crystal's site and am fearing that this is not possible.
Can anyone tell me the correct javascript syntax fro returning the total number of current values a parameter has set?
Here is my sample that doesn't deem to work:
result = queried report...
ReportObject = Result.Item(1);
ReportInterface =...
Thanks so much.
Set iStore = es.Service("","InfoStore")
Set objects = iStore.query("SELECT top 1 * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_NAME = 'Companies Merged' and si_instance = 1")
Set rptPlugin = infoObject.PluginInterface("")
I need tohave it there because sometimes this report is used as subreport and doesn't use this parameter and other times it is a stand alone report and uses this parameter.
If you are saying that CE will give me just a list of all parameters, then why it does not list it when viewing on demand...
I have a report that has a parameter that is NOT used in running the report and is not placed anywhere in the report. It is hust listed under "Parameters" section in Field Explorer window.
When I run this report from Designer and from "View on Demand" in CE 8.5 I am not...
Go to www.apos.on.ca and download a Demo copy of Instance Manager. With the DEMO copy you can re-schedule 10 instances at a time. At least this will give you a quick way out.
In the CR report exports fine. This only happens sometimes when I run the report. I think I found one pattern.. if the report outputs a lot of data this happens. In the CMC I have Excel set as default format.
I have also redid the report file, but still the same. I have CE services...
Here is ASP syntax for connecting to DB - Trusted connection and getting recordset out:
set DB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=PUT_NAME_OF YOUR_DB_HERE; Data Source =...
The version is fine.
Try this:
Find craxdrt.dll on your system and rename it to something like craxdrtabc1234.dll
Reboot and see if you still have the problem.
Hi, please help..
I have a report with one group and a number of Group total fields in theat group footer.
I need to sort the report on one of the running totals.
Is this possible????
I have a table that has values structured as follows:
PersonID Degree
55 MD
55 Phd
55 RN
60 MD
60 Phd
I need a stored procedure that will give me output like this:
PersonID Degree
55 MD, Phd, RN
60 MD, Phd
I am having a hard time getting...
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