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  • Users: tedew1
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  1. tedew1

    Help in Office 2003

    hello, Is it Possible that I will use Office Help without Network Connection ??- In our Company People don't have the network Connection. Pherhaps there is any help to install on Local Computers ??? bue, sorry for my english
  2. tedew1

    Change a Column name

    @lbass you are great!!!. Big Thanks
  3. tedew1

    Change a Column name

    hello:) I have another question yet. This formula returns me "Toatal" for the last Column 0 It's OK. But rest of the columns have heading "01.2000" ,"02.2000" ..... . Only months and years. I'd like that formula returned me "monday 10.01.2000" , "friday 20.02.2000" ...... - ALL PARTS OF DATE -...
  4. tedew1

    RecordSert Problem

    hello, I have a big problem with RecordSet :( recodrSet dosen,t see currebt week:( today is first week when I do this : " STRSEL="select distinct [date] as dzien,datepart(wk,[Date]) as week from dane where datepart(wk,Date]) between '1' and '1' and year([date]) between '2006' and '2006' order...
  5. tedew1

    Export report

    hello how Can I sned paramters to exporting report ?? Opening report with paramters it's not a problem: parameters = " pl_data_od between '" & Forms!View_Rep1!Tekst10 & "' and '" & Forms!View_Rep1!Tekst12 & "'" stDocName = "repMyPlane" DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, ...
  6. tedew1

    I cannot create MDE file :(

    hello, i wrote ADP project , and I want to compile to the MDE file. But when I'm clicking on " Create MDE file" , I'v got message " Microsoft Office Access cannot create ADE date base " - or smoething similra ( I have polish version ) Another project I can compiling ??? bye,
  7. tedew1

    Refresh Form

    hello, How to refresh form without going to the first index of the records?? E.G. I update record, this record is second in my table , when I'm doing me.refresh after update , record back to the first posision of the index - and i must "Click" to the second index-record to see me result ...
  8. tedew1

    Change Background Color

    hello:) thanks for your help :) when I put your Example to the "x+2" I get error "This function can only be used in field formatting formulas" if gridrowcolumnvalue("Command.Data") = "Total" then crYellow else crRed bye,
  9. tedew1

    Change Background Color

    hello:) Now I have a problem with changing Color of the Column . Not all Column but only one. bye
  10. tedew1

    Change a Column name

    sorry that it takes so long but @lbass thanks - you are genius :) It works fine - my column name is TOTAL :) big thanks bye, sorry for me english
  11. tedew1

    ConnectString CR10

    hello:) I can't find any example how to assign ConnectString to the Crystal Report as parameter:( I want in VBA to point DataSource to backup database if primary base will damage bye
  12. tedew1

    big Problem

    hello:) I sloved this problem - but it not satisfy me. In the english Windows I Changed "Language settings for the System" in Regional Optios for Polish as default and it works . But I prefer that this setting will be set as default for the correct Windows Version:( bye,
  13. tedew1

    big Problem

    hello:) for example : Private Sub btn_Click() MsgBox "Hello" End Sub this code works fine in the Access File wrote under polish Windows 2000 PRO , when I moved it under english Windows 2000 PRO I have got error :( bye
  14. tedew1

    Connect String ADP

    hello:) i have done :) Dim str As String str = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=MyServer;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=MyBase;" Application.CurrentProject.OpenConnection (str) i have another question , is it possible that when i will open my ADP that it will check connect string ...
  15. tedew1

    Connect String ADP

    hello:) Is it Possible that I will pass Connect String to the Access Project as parameter ??? from a file ??? bye, sorry for my english
  16. tedew1

    big Problem

    hello :) I wrote Access 2003 App under polish windows 2000 pr and polish Ofiice 2003 Pr - it's work fine. but when I move the app at the windows 2000 ENG it dosen't work :( I get message : " The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : A...
  17. tedew1

    missing function

    hello, I instaled Office 2003 PRo and I use Access. My Access applications work fine under Access 2000 but under Access 2003 there is a problem in a macros :( The function Left is not recognized , function right too :( When I crete new project under Access 2003 there is a function Left . I...
  18. tedew1

    Windows authentication

    hello:) so this is a very bad problem :( I was thinking that IIS takes Autentication and send it to SQL SERVER :( bye
  19. tedew1

    C# - ConnectString SQL SERVER

    @chiph OK , I will do it :) in the appropriate place bye nad thanks
  20. tedew1

    Windows authentication

    I have 3 computers: Computer A ( Client XP ) Computer B ( win 2003 Server + IIS + my C# webapp ) Computer C ( win 2003 Server + SQL SERVER ) comunication : A -> b -> c I am login on the Compueter A ( to domain ) and run the Internet Expolrer , then I connect to the Computer B (in doamin too)...

Part and Inventory Search
