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big Problem

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Oct 26, 2005
hello :)
I wrote Access 2003 App under polish windows 2000 pr and polish Ofiice 2003 Pr - it's work fine.
but when I move the app at the windows 2000 ENG it dosen't work :(
I get message :

" The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error : A
problem occured while MS Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control "

I have no idea what is wrong - under polsih windows ( wrote under polsih windows ) work , under english windows dosen't work :(

sorry for my english
Hi tedew1,

What have you entered for the On Click event?


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for example :

Private Sub btn_Click()
MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub

this code works fine in the Access File wrote under polish Windows 2000 PRO , when I moved it under english Windows 2000 PRO I have got error :(


I really meant what does it say in the actual Event property (but I now presume it says "[Event Procedure]"). I was hoping, perhaps, to identify some Polish translation of a function name. I'm fairly sure you'll find it to be something in Polish that the English version can't understand but I don't know what it might be. Sorry.


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I've had same problem with my XPProSP1 at home. I made Access app. at work and when I brought it home it produced that error. I tried to work something out with references but no joy. Finaly I reinstalled WinXP at home (diferent XPProSP1 from my friend) and it worked!!
This was the only error I encountered in 2+ years of using that version.

I hope you'll get it workin' like I did.

Marko 9A6NCM

uf, I forgot to mention that at work I have Croatian Windows and "some parts" of Office hahaha.. some parts! Word is Croatian but Access is English. I hate dumb translations of tech stuff on native language.. like learning new programs allover again.
But my friend has allEnglish at home, as I do, and on his my apps worked perfectly but on mine did not!
so, no language error I suppose, just particular WinXP CD version error.

Marko 9A6NCM

I sloved this problem - but it not satisfy me.
In the english Windows I Changed "Language settings for the System" in Regional Optios for Polish as default and it works . But I prefer that this setting will be set as default for the correct Windows Version:(

Hi tedew,

Just a thought ...

If changing language settings has an effect is this something to do with separators? I don't know anything about Polish but if it uses the comma as the decimal separator then you will be using semicolons to separate other things. With the dot as decimal separator, the comma is used as 'other separator' - so might you perhaps have some semicolons which need changing to commas (separating parameters, for example).


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