You could try saving the results as a cookie file.
However, there are very important security reasons why a browser script should not be allowed to write to the local file system. Think about them for a moment or two and they will become quite obvious.
You need to read the documentation on HLLAPI. This will allow interaction between OS/390 and VB. Do a search on google for HLLAPI or EHLLAPI or WINHLLAPI. Microsoft also provide a PDF on HLLAPI.
If you are determined to buy VB.NET get the book
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Deluxe Learning Edition
at about $83.99 from Amazon( or any other bookseller) its expensive for a book, but cheap as edition) is thrown in free.
It is really the only choice you have for developing in
You could program using notepad and cmd, but I'd bet that would not be much fun.
or You could try sharpdevelop, the free IDE at
However, VB dev is not its strongest point...
Not sure if this helps, but is this what you want to do?
hexNo = "4A696D" 'Value read from registry assigned to string
for x =1 to len(hexno) step 2
partNo = mid(hexno,x,2) 'chop up string
strName = strName & chr("&h" & PartNo)...
Hello Damian
In answer to your questions:
1 Yes VB is capable of this. However, as far as I know, you can not write and compile VB without the IDE.
2 Schedule the jobs using your NT scheduler of choice. VB is not particularly good at running as a service. VBScript is really much better for...
Try this:
Public sub Select_case()
Dim strSelect As String
strSelect = "Property_HELP"
Select Case strSelect
Case "Property_A" To "Property_zzzzzzzzzzzzz"
msgbox "property_selected"
Case Else
msgbox "nothing...
For the api use this:
Public Const VER_Processor_WIN32_NT& = 2
Public Const VER_Processor_WIN32_WINDOWS& = 1
Public Type OSVersionInfo
dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long
dwMajorVersion As Long
dwMinorVersion As Long
dwBuildNumber As Long
dwProcessorID As Long
szCSDVersion As String...
this function returns the username of the currently logged in user:
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize as Long) _
As Long
lpBuffer is the user name.
I agree with DarenNM, it would be better to use a generic Username/password, but if you want to know the user who is running the app use the api call(this works under NT4, not sure about other versions):
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
I would have to ask why you want this type of info? If you are talking about the users password to log onto a PC, then I would suggest you are straying into the realms of hackerdom.
have you tried to hardcode dates into the statement? for example:
gRDB_RS.Filter = "RetrainedDate Between #01/12/01# And #02/12/01#"
gRDB_RS.Filter = "RetrainedDate Between #01/12/01# And #31/12/01#"
where exactly are you getting the run-time error from vb or from the database you are accessing. If its the database ensure dates are being passed properly for your locale.
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