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  1. doublehelix

    Using SSI inside a Perl Program

    No, because the perl generated page is not parsed by the server as an SSI page.
  2. doublehelix

    BIG PROBLEM - Domain access

    Wait, wait, wait, wait... Why don't you just open the ports in your firewall then?
  3. doublehelix

    Perl and Apache

    The first line of a perl script is called the shebang line. it tells the script where the perl interpreter is.
  4. doublehelix

    Replace frame src

    Have one of the other pages loaded then force a load of the content page. Probably the header page, since I imagine that only loads once whereas the nav page might change as you move around the site.
  5. doublehelix

    Where does the Mainframe fit in?

    At my workplace I suggested we deep freeze all our COBOL programmers and thaw 'em one at a time when we needed to perform maintenance on our clunky old legacy systems. And I wonder why people don't take all my recommendations seriously...
  6. doublehelix

    install modules on Win98

    Don't need to do it via the internet. I've heard of people loading the files locally and pointing ppm to them.
  7. doublehelix

    Web pages: online vs. print

    If you anticipate your pages are going to be printed - and they will be printed if there is a lot of text on them - it is absolutley imperitive that you design keeping the issue of printer width in mind. Virtually every usability study shows that surfers scan web pages and don't read them in...
  8. doublehelix

    Form to Text file without ASP

    You're out of luck unless they allow to use a full cgi-bin (many free servers limit what their cgi-bin can actually do). You need to be able to run a server-side script (perl, php, whatever...) that has permissions to write a flat file on the server. There are free hosting companies that give...
  9. doublehelix

    getting index.html from href

    Try this too... <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;> <html> <head> <title>File name Capture from a URL</title> </head> <body> <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Instantiate Regular expression Object --> var myRegExp=new RegExp(); var myRegExp =...
  10. doublehelix

    getting index.html from href

    Use a regular expression and extract everything after the last slash.
  11. doublehelix

    apache CGI - Internal Server Error

    You end the path in your script alias with a slash, but not in your directory. That could cause a problem. End 'em both with a slash.
  12. doublehelix

    Can one frame access elements in another?

    Yes, the parent document is the page that created the frameset, and both frames are chlidren of it. Assumming you named the first frame frame_1 and the seond frame_2 the pathing would look like this: parent.frame_1.document.someobject.someproperty parent.frame_2.document.someobject.someproperty...
  13. doublehelix

    My second attempt at a site Please Review

    Too wide. I had to scroll horizontally to look at it. I didn't much like the linear nature of the main navigation bar either -- from any page I would prefer to be able to jump where I want to in the side, rather than having to go back to the main page. Graphics looked nice and seemed to be...
  14. doublehelix

    running an exe from an html page

    It is not a dead end, ASP is not the only way of doing what you want to do. Your solution lies in any of the server-side scripting languages, such as ASP, php, perl, etc.
  15. doublehelix

    How long to be a professional

    Actually, as soon as you con somebody into paying you to crank out code you're a professional. ;-)
  16. doublehelix

    Which is the BEST ADVANCED JavaScritp there is.

    JavaScript Dummy, Don't jump into a book -- jump into a project. All most books are really teching is a programming language's syntax (the other books are reference manuals for advanced features -- I suggest SAMS Pure Javascript for a good reference type book). Programs themselves are...
  17. doublehelix

    input=text -&gt; validate on xx,x

    Bramvg, He is pattern matching with regular expressions - which is the easiest way to solve your problem. Check this link out... http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/core/jsguide15/regexp.html#1010922
  18. doublehelix

    .EXE websites?

    It is an executable server-side script. The info Following the ? are value pairs passing parameters back to the server-side script. The server-side script will then dynamically produce the page programatically. Other server-side script extensions are .pl, .cgi, .asp, .jsp, etc. If you want to...
  19. doublehelix

    How do I change the content of 2 frames simultaneously?

    Using a scripting language you could precache images in the head of the page that called the frameset.
  20. doublehelix

    Adding PDF to page

    The pdf won't open up embedded in the page. What happens when a pdf is linked to depends on the client-side settings of the Acrobat reader. If it is set up properly it will open up the Acrobat reader embedded in the entire view area of the browser - otherwise it will launch the reader seperately...

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