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How long to be a professional

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I have only been reading about JavaScript for about two weeks, and I am always encountering a lot of bugs, but most of the time I can fix it, and sometimes not. 2 questiosn:

1. TYPICALLY how long, let's assume you have a pretty good comprehension especially about computers, would it take to be a real professional. I mean like you're just playing with JavaScript, you only think a little, of course, thinkiing is a lot, but like there is no pain? Please be honest.

2. Second, is it okay to program a simple JavaScript program in 30 minutes, like clock? Have anyone programmed for more than an hour on a simple script like making a "semi-bar chart"???
1) There is NO typically how long! How often do you use javascript? Do you read about it, practice it, find online tutorials to play with and learn learn?

I have been using Javascript for a year, but not every day. Maybe 3 or 4 times a month. Mostly to start off with I was taking other code and modifying it. Now, yes I can write my own functions without too much pain!

2)Don't worry about how long it takes you. It takes as long as it takes, when you are learning sometimes it takes "too long" but hey all the time you are learning and next time it won't take you as long because of all the things you have learnt.

Painless lessons at - well I thought they were good if a little slow sometimes to download.
I think the best thing about being a web programmer is that the field is constantly changing. As soon as you feel confident with one language another one comes along and you have to learn that one. While you're learning the second language the first one goes through a revision so you have to go back and learn more about that one. It's a constant state of learning and it never gets boring! There is always something you don't know, which (I think) makes web programming one of the best fields available. My two cents!
1. TYPICALLY how long, let's assume you have a pretty good comprehension especially about computers, would it take to be a real professional. I mean like you're just playing with JavaScript, you only think a little, of course, thinkiing is a lot, but like there is no pain? Please be honest.

answer: however long it takes so that you can code almost anything you want in the time you want to. ;-) some people think that they are masters when they aren't, but only because they dont have good coding technique. (in my opinion). I think the easiest way to meter weather or not a programmer is becoming a master is 1)how easy his code is to read, and 2) how helpful he can be to other newbies. notice I said "can". I say that because there are millions of people that dont want to help other newbies, just to stay ahead.

2. Second, is it okay to program a simple JavaScript program in 30 minutes, like clock? Have anyone programmed for more than an hour on a simple script like making a "semi-bar chart"???

as for the time it takes to code a particular script, for me, that depends on how long I have been away from that part of the language, if I know a good refrence for the subject, and how awake I am! Robert Carpenter
questions? comments? thanks? email me!
Icq: 124408594

AIM & MSN: robacarp
hey, let me in, let me say.. i wanna say too..

>>1. TYPICALLY how long, let's assume you have a pretty good comprehension especially about computers, would it take to be a real professional. I mean like you're just playing with JavaScript, you only think a little, of course, thinkiing is a lot, but like there is no pain? Please be honest.
i don't think we can call ourselfes like a 'professionals' (i'm talking about myself, guyz you may disagree ;) 'couse as was told above, we never stop learning, & almost every day (when i'm trying to write something) i find out that everything that i did before was wrong, & that i'm just a dumbAzz, & so on
no jokes: it depends on you, what do you write (what kind of scripts), where do you learn (if you'd be here pretty frequently you'd be a REAL GURU in few months maximum)

>>2. Second, is it okay to program a simple JavaScript program in 30 minutes, like clock? Have anyone programmed for more than an hour on a simple script like making a "semi-bar chart"???
as for me, it is different every day: one day i'm stearing at var str=""; trying to understand: "damn! what'da #$% that supposed to mean?" & the other day, with clean head & in a good mood i write & write & write & i just can't stop..
(the keyboard's smokin, i'm running out of clean paper cheets, shemes, algorithmes, code snippets everywhere, everything's striked through & over, music is crying/shouting/, deamn!! i feel so good :)) Victor
Actually, as soon as you con somebody into paying you to crank out code you're a professional. ;-)
I know lots of people who are getting paid and don't deserve to be called professionals! A lot of it is being in the right place at the right time, too.

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