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Search results for query: *

  1. defkon2012

    global framerate

    Right on oldnewbie! you rock! saved the day, the first of the possible workarounds works. I just tell the to be loaded movie to load on _level0 and it loads with new framerate! Then I just tell the original movie to load back onto _level0 from the back button. So its like toggle mode. Cool thanks
  2. defkon2012

    global framerate

    I am having this problem with loading external .swf's into a main movie. The loaded swfs have a faster framerate but play at the main movie's framerate when the loadMovie() code is launched. I can't use getURL because this is for a windows Projector file that is going on a cd. Anyone know how...
  3. defkon2012

    can the "playhead" play backwards?

    well there isn't a standard way of doing it, but there is some tricks. you can create a external movie clip on the stage that just repeats a bit of code. Have the second frame say gotoAndPlay(1); this will make it just repeat and repeat the code in the first frame. now on the first frame of...
  4. defkon2012

    Why does movie shrink?

    also try the full screen command code. I'm not sure it will do what you want, but give it a try. Put in the first frame of the movie: fscommand("allowscale","false");
  5. defkon2012

    Constrained window size

    Does anyone know how to make windows projector file non expandable/contractible? Unable to change the size of the flash player, i.e. not able to minimize or maximize the window. I have seen this done on the net, but isn't that java? Shouldn't it be possible with a windows projector? thanks in...
  6. defkon2012

    Is anyone else having problems with new timeline?

    Man I can't get over this. I love mx and all the new features but the new timeline and the way you control keyframes and such is such a pain for me. Wondering if anyone else has this problem? Maybe I am missing something? thanks defkon 2012
  7. defkon2012

    hit Test!!! helpp

    or you could also just manipulate a remote movie clip with the sounds in it. lets call this movieClip = soundMC So when you have: code for sqaure MC::: onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.buttonMC)) { _root.soundMC.gotoAndPlay("sound1")} } have the hitTest...
  8. defkon2012

    problems with multiple if statements

    I have a problem with this game I am making. I need a better way to detect if a enemy ship has come into contact with one of the hero's bullets. Right now on every enemy I have a if statement that has way too many || or statements in it. I have 40 different friendly bullets that need to be...
  9. defkon2012

    making a scrolling viewport

    alright I found out how to do the scallable thing at http://www.eviltwin.co.uk/devlab/windowsize/index.html and it even has the source fla. defkon2012
  10. defkon2012

    Good Photoshop 6 Tutorials??

    Anyone know of any sites with good photoshop 6 tutorials?
  11. defkon2012

    an unusual question about the goto.<Next Scene> command

    ok clarify some. you are trying to go to another scene from another scene? right? It doesnt matter if scenes are only one frame. That will not affect navigation through different scenes. Remeber to use gotoAndStop instead of gotoAndPlay or it will play right past first and only frame of the...
  12. defkon2012

    object collisions

    the best way to do that would probably be with _hitTest. It returns a Boolean indicating whether or not a movieClip intersects with a given point or another movieClip. Then to get the screen to flash you should have a different movieClip with an animation for the effect. So lets assume your two...
  13. defkon2012

    making a scrolling viewport

    hhmm I went to the link you posted. All of that can be done in flash. I sent you a email with a source fla I made that will hopefully help you out. defkon2012
  14. defkon2012

    Movie Clip

    What you need to do is create a variable for your movieclip on the first frame. Like a counter. This is really simple even if you don't know much actionscript. This is what you do. You make a variable, lets call it "counter". Its starting value will be 0. Then tell it to increase each...
  15. defkon2012

    Driving animation...sort of

    make your car in the center of the stage. Then make your background. This is the trick. Make the background really horizonally long and just have it slowly scrool across the screen with a simple motion tween. You could also have the car move up and down or shake a little to make it look like a...
  16. defkon2012

    Joining 2 movies together ... easier way than copy/paste?

    Well if you are trying to get a movieclip into another file that is easy. That is usually the best way to converge files, by making everything in a master movieclip and then dragging it to where you want it. But if you have 2 different flash files with information on the main timelines that is...
  17. defkon2012

    Found a website with interesting fla's

    Yes this site is amazing... I really enjoy j.tarbell's work... right along up there with JD it is worth checking out defkon2012
  18. defkon2012

    Flash Text Animation

    hmm interesting..... Nice tip. Althought I'm not to sure if this swish would be helpful or if it would just deter motions towards just pushing the edge with flash. I find these type of things just limiting, even if they claim to "tiddy" up things and such. Process destroys innovation...

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