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Search results for query: *

  1. petevick

    Unable to bind to field or datamember

    I have a project that works perfectly under W2K, under XP Pro I keep getting the Unable to bind to field or datamember: 'item' error. This is a simple bound text box in my app'. I'm using the same DB to test in both OS's. I have other bound text boxes that work ok under XP, its just this one...
  2. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    Hi manarth, thats a good question, I don't see why that wouldn't work. I don't have access to the script, but I guess I could try it. The page is actually working fine now, so maybe its a case of if it ain't broke, don't fix it, then again, now you've put the idea there.... damn, I'll have to...
  3. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    Because I have no control over the script (didn't make that clear did I - sorry). Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  4. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    Hi Vragabond, the select tag is fine inside the form, just a slight bit of redesign of my page and the supplied code is excellent. I am still learning about all the facets of html, but learning very fast thanks to excellent resources like Tek-Tips. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software...
  5. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    Thanks chessbot, thats spot on. I would have liked the select outside of the form tags, but that does not work, but I can work around the select inside. Have a star. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  6. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    Yes, it was a bit of a sketchy question. When the user clicks the submit button, I'd like the value to be set to the current value of the drop down list. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  7. petevick

    pass value to hidden field

    I want to pass the value of a drop down list to a hidden field in my html code, something like... <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value= list.value> Any one got any ideas on how this might be achieved. I've had several goes, but all have failed Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software...
  8. petevick

    License Tracking Software

    Have a look at IssueView - http://www.issueview.com/default.asp - very customisable and free for a single user. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  9. petevick

    Installation Wizard

    I use Inno as well, and I love it. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  10. petevick

    Version Control Software

    I use IssueView - http://www.issueview.com/default.asp if you are a single user you can get a full version, even including web support. A relly brillant piece of software. You can track software, clients, anything you want really Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  11. petevick

    new page at startup

    Thanks AMysticWeb, you have confirmed my thoughts. I'm opening my last web, but its the new page the FP keeps creating that bugs me, I know its just a click of the cross, its just damn annoying. I don't think I'll bother recoding either, my VB skills don't stretch that far, besides, I dont think...
  12. petevick

    new page at startup

    Does anyone know how to prevent the new page displaying when FronPage 2000 opens with the 'Open last web' option active. Is there a way to open the last web and a particular page of that web for instance? Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  13. petevick

    change input TYPE=&quot;hidden&quot; to input TYPE=&quot;text&quot;

    Good enough?, I'd say, thats exactly what I wanted, thank you very much Vragabond, have another star. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  14. petevick

    change input TYPE=&quot;hidden&quot; to input TYPE=&quot;text&quot;

    Right, cracked it. I added the following function.... function ShowHide(retval){ if (retval == "true") {document.getElementById('Myinput').style.display = 'inline'; return false;} if (retval == "false") {document.getElementById('Myinput').style.display = 'none'; return false;} } then added the...
  15. petevick

    change input TYPE=&quot;hidden&quot; to input TYPE=&quot;text&quot;

    Hi Vragabond, that looks just the thing, and I should be able to do that using the onChange event of the drop down list box, hopefully. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  16. petevick

    change input TYPE=&quot;hidden&quot; to input TYPE=&quot;text&quot;

    Can any one help me out here. I want to change an input TYPE="hidden" to input TYPE="text" when a certain option is chosen from a drop-down list box on a web page. I'm guessing that it could be done with Java using the onChange event somehow, but I'm unable to find any clues from trawling the...
  17. petevick

    HOW TO SETUP &quot;REPORT WIDTH&quot; &amp; &quot;WIDTH&quot; PROPERTIES OF DATA

    If you are using VB's data reporting, you need to set your default printers paper size (Start>Settings>Printers etc) prior to printing a report. The report should then use those settings, bit of an oversight by MS methinks. Hope this helps you. Happy New Year to ya'll Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra...
  18. petevick

    Unexpected Error 50003

    There is this MSKB article, might help you.... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;194414 Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  19. petevick

    Distributing Access components

    Check if you you have other Project>References, they should also be distributed and registered. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software www.hedrasoftware.co.uk
  20. petevick

    Move Database and Exe to a different location

    If you keep the EXE and MDB in the same folder you could use App.Path & &quot;\Address.mdb&quot;, rather than hard coding a folder name as in &quot;C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\Telephone\Address.mdb&quot;, that way it shouldn't matter where your files sit. Pete Vickerstaff - Hedra Software...

Part and Inventory Search
