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  1. arathorn


    Hello: I suppose that you have your server abc.com properly configured. To make what you want you should use mod_proxy 1) Uncomment these lines from yout httpd.conf file: LoadModule proxy_module libexec/libproxy.so AddModule mod_proxy.c <IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyRequests On...
  2. arathorn

    Setup an outgoing mail for a group

    Hello: I want to setup a mail account that should forward mails to another mail address and make masquerading of the from field. The diagram is: user1@hosta| |---user3@SMTPserver--- to: XXX@YYY user2@hostb| from:user3@SMTPserver I have thought in making an alias...
  3. arathorn

    limiting users in apache?

    Hi rninja, In apache 1.3.XX you have the directive MaxClients. In 2.00 you should play with the directives of the threaded model you had chosen for your server. Best regards.
  4. arathorn

    Premature end of script headers in 1.3 not in 2.X

    Hi all, I am having the next error. When I execute a cgi that uses the POST method in Apache 1.3.26 it doesn´t work and gives the next error message: -------------- Premature end of script headers: -------------- If I run it in Apache 2 it works perfectly so I think the problem isn´t in...
  5. arathorn

    CGI scripts not being found

    Hi all, I am having the next error. When I execute a cgi that uses the POST method in Apache 1.3.26 it doesn´t work and gives the next error message: -------------- Premature end of script headers: -------------- If I run it in Apache 2 it works perfectly so I think the problem isn´t in...
  6. arathorn

    CGI scripts not being found

    Hi all, I am having the neext error. When I execute a cgi that uses the POST method in Apache 1.3.26 it doesn´t work and gives the next error message: -------------- Premature end of script headers: -------------- If I run it in Apache 2 it works perfectly so I think the problem isn´t in...
  7. arathorn

    CGI scripts not being found

    Hi all, I am havin the neext error. When I execute a cgi that uses the POST method in Apache 1.3.26 it doesn´t work and gives the next error message: -------------- Premature end of script headers: -------------- If I run it in Apache 2 it works perfectly so I think the problem isn´t in...
  8. arathorn

    Testing https and Apache

    Hi all, I need to find a https request generator to test an Apache web server. Do anyone know any(if is open source and could be modified it would be great)? Best regards.
  9. arathorn

    How to capture the PID of a process using nohup

    Hello: I don´t know if this is what you are looking for but if you know the name of the command you execute with nohup you can use the following command: ps -ef|grep command|grep -v grep|awk '{ print $2 }' Regards.
  10. arathorn

    Virtual Hosts, driving me nuts

    Hi, Why don´t you change the order of the VirtualHosts in the file?. It should help us to debug the problem. Another intesresting test could be to make the second virtual server listening in another port and see if it works(Rememeber to add the Listen directive in the file for the new port)...
  11. arathorn

    Restricted Ports with NFS

    Hi, you need to open a range of UDP ports portmapper 111 nfs 2049 And ports 0 - 1023 udp.
  12. arathorn

    Kernel Parameters!!!

    Hi, http://www.docs.hp.com//hpux/onlinedocs/os/KCparams.OverviewAll.html Best regards.
  13. arathorn

    permissions on an NFS mounted filesystem

    Hi, Have you checked the uid of the user?. When you access to a file system by NFS you obtain the permissions of the user that has the same uid as you in the remote server. For example Server A Server B userA uid=15 userA uid=20 userB uid=30 userB uid=15 If you mount a file system...
  14. arathorn

    extend file system /tmp

    Hi, I only want to add that if you have online JFS you can extend the file system online. Have you got it? Best regards.
  15. arathorn

    Login slow on 10.20

    Hi, See if NIS is running (ps -ef|grep yp). Best regards.
  16. arathorn

    Root directory full

    Hi, Please be carefull with this, the PE´s for root directory should be allocated in a contiguous way(and only in one dis). You shouldn´t simply add space to that lvol as if it was a data lvol. For expample if the las PE for / is 43 and after that the space is occupied by lvol8 you have to move...
  17. arathorn

    urgent question about disable services

    Hi, As ifincham has told if you make any change in the configuration files you mus restart the xinet daemon using the command: /etc/init.d/xinetd restart You can use this command for enabling or disabling services...
  18. arathorn

    urgent question about disable services

    Hi, This question could be too obvious but, is inetd running?. If it is running, is the line for telnetd commented? Best regards.
  19. arathorn

    Root directory full

    Hello: I think that perhaps there is a misunderstanding here. You can´t add space from vg05 to vg00 because it is not possible. Yo must first reduce the disk from vg05 and add it to vg00. If you have Online jfs you can do it online (if you haven´t installed it you must boot the system in...
  20. arathorn

    V class power redundancy

    Hi, Perhaps I haven´t explained well. We have an UPS and I am not worried about a power-cut(electrogen group) but if we made changes in the electric installation we have to cut the power suply in the electric derivation and we want to conect it to another electric derivation and the V class...

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