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Search results for query: *

  1. jeffpoulsen

    RDT issue and Save As window in Outlook

    Problem Solved, It is a new system and had only been used for a couple of days. The issue turned out to be a simple one. The keyboard was the cause of the problem. Changing it fixed the problem. This issue didn't show in any other applications local or remote. Should have...
  2. jeffpoulsen

    RDT issue and Save As window in Outlook

    I have a strange issue affecting a remote desktop connection. One of the office users connects to the office XP Pro computer through Remote Desktop from a remote machine running XP Home. The connection works well but there is one unique problem. When he opens Outlook there is a “Save As” window...
  3. jeffpoulsen

    Server based PC cleaner

    cv7713, Thanks for the reply. I checked the link and that is excactly what I wanted. I am skeptical of Freeware. The company has confidetial information and must have complient software and security protocals. Do you know of a similar product that could be purchased?
  4. jeffpoulsen

    Server based PC cleaner

    Hello All, I am looking for a PC cleaning program to clean XP clients that could be put on a server so it could be accessed when needed. Currently there are 12 clients. I know of no products that I know of at this point that do that. In the past I used a product called WinCleaner and it...
  5. jeffpoulsen

    Login trouble

    Sorry about that. That was the chkdsk /r from recovery console. Been a long day.
  6. jeffpoulsen

    Login trouble

    One of our servers had a power outage and we had to recover a few dll's using recovery console using fskdsk. All seems well and the server is running but I cannot login using Remote Desktop or from the Console now. After putting in the right admin user and password it looks as if it's going to...
  7. jeffpoulsen

    IExplorer issues

    the page is a list of files, some pdfs and some docs. I have the links written to open in a new page. the url has uses a php script to hide the relative directory so it has a view_php? in the path. When I right click it the prompts askes if I want to open the file view_php? and I answer yes but...
  8. jeffpoulsen

    IExplorer issues

    I have several computers and use the internet to manage several sites. I have issues with one of the xp machines. I can download or open .doc and .pdf documents with all machines except the one. I have tried everything and have searched in vain for the soulution. Could anyone help with this...
  9. jeffpoulsen

    2003 recovery console can't access cdrom

    Hello There has been a file lost (pci.sys)on one of our servers. Using raid drivers I have logged into the recovery console but am unable to access the cdrom or the usb"floppy" drives to copy the file(s) needed. Is there anyone who can help me understand what the issue is. I suspect it...
  10. jeffpoulsen

    Restricted users and temp files

    I have restricted the users share on a 2003 server. I have disabled the users ability to delete files or folders. They can however open edit and save files. The problem is that when a user opens a document MS Office creates a ~temp file for each opening. This file is not deleted upon closing the...
  11. jeffpoulsen

    Help ID a Virus

    I have run HiJackThis and will post the log file below. Perhaps someone can spot something there until I try the registry edit later. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 8:59:30 AM, on 7/25/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2...
  12. jeffpoulsen

    Help ID a Virus

    bcastner, Thanks for your reply. I will try the registry fix you have posted the link to above later when I can get access to the machine. I have one question about your post. I looked in IE for the "Use third-party browser extensions" button to uncheck but could not find it. I am using on...
  13. jeffpoulsen

    Help ID a Virus

    We have been having a problem with one PC and now two laptops at the same office. The problem has the following symptoms. The browser “Internet Explorer” will not go to a URL that is typed into the address window. But it will load sites from “History”. Also the most troubling is that there is no...
  14. jeffpoulsen

    Making a non viewable Drive in XP

    Well I still have not found a solution. It seems that you cannot remove the drive letter if it contains page files. And I downloaded TweakUI and it works for the administrator, but does not hide it from a restricted user. I gues I will have to keep trying. It seems there is a regisrty edit that...
  15. jeffpoulsen

    Making a non viewable Drive in XP

    Thanks all I have had problems with setting the whole drive for virtual memory. I usually leave a portion of the drive unused. I forgot about TweakUI. Your right it's a great tool. I will try some of these when I get back to the machine tonight. And I plan on downloading TweakUI too. Thanks...
  16. jeffpoulsen

    Making a non viewable Drive in XP

    Hello all, I usually carve up a drive to have at least 3 partitions. C (where the OS is) Swap (for Page Files or Virtual Memory) and Storage (for, well, data storage) My question is how can I make the disk "Swap" not viewable or greyed out in Explorer in XP Pro? This is so that users will not...
  17. jeffpoulsen

    Links and Targets

    Micheal, Thanks, I think this was just what I've been looking for. I have this question posted in several other forums and this was the solution. I will post this message from you and the fix in the others. If this is ok with you. I can purge your name from the post if you like. I still...
  18. jeffpoulsen

    Links and Targets

    Hi, I would like to know how to link a picture, etc to be targeted to a page within the website. Can this be done? If so what is the proper syntax to put in the target window?
  19. jeffpoulsen

    RDT Printing Issue

    I solved the problem. It seems that TS has some issues with USB printers. I downloaded a newer version from http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/b/d/8bd667e9-dcce-475b-8c49-dc6331e63c47/msrdpcli.exe It fixed the problem
  20. jeffpoulsen

    Endian vs. Smoothwall

    derajer, I use a router called Mikrotik. It's not free but around $45 dollars. It is the best router I have used. You should check it out even if you don't use it. I have used Smoothwall and found it limited and not easy to configure on all hardware. You may download and use a free version...

Part and Inventory Search
