I've got a pretty strange situation here. Only one user in the company is having this issue.
No problems on the computer until he double clicks a .wmv file on his desktop. Media player does not start plus, the icons on his desktop will not respond to the left mouse button. Can't click on...
Hey guys,
Sorry... I'm an idiot. In the login certificate settings for the server group there is a setting for the amount of time the cert is valid for. It's set for one day. I've had the SSC open since early yesterday. I shut the SSC down and opened it back up and it's working ok now...
I did uninstall the old SSC and after the upgrade installed the new one. I tried moving the other servers into a new server group and brought them back with the same result. There's just no love here. This is the first SAV upgrade I've ever had an issue with. I'd be tempted to start from...
I've started upgrading from SAV 9 to SAV 10. I've gotten all the Servers upgraded with little problem. Haven't had a chance to do clients yet. The problem is now I can't do any client administration from the SSC console. For instance, if I go to client autoprotect option I get the following...
The site to site is on a separate firewall. I think we have it tracked down. I need to have a route statement put on the router behind the firewall (I think). Unfortunately, I don't admin the router so it may take a week or so.
I've got an ipsec vpn using cisco client 4.6 to a pix 515. It works great. No issues there.
Users need to access a resource from a site to site vpn on a symantec velociraptor. When I'm on the vpn client I can ping/access anything on the network except the site to site. Any ideas why this...
Why don't you set up the pix device manager (GUI)and use that to config your vpn. It makes it so much easier.
There are check boxes in the device manager to allow pptp and ipsec pass-through.
Not a hijacked hosts file. Tried the file but no go. We've noticed that the issue comes and goes. It's almost like the dns has gone crazy. I'll update if I find anything.
This is rampaging through my company. Started this morning as near as I can tell and is spreading quickly through our systems. Right now it's only effecting certain web pages.
Here's an example of what happens. I open my homepage which comes up fine. I type www.ups.com and I get a...
Sorry, I'm still stuck with this issue. (haven't had much time lately) Will be getting back to it shortly and will let you know if I come up with anything new.
I've checked out e-mails that do go through and e-mails which don't. I don't see any header info on either of them. The ones that don't go all come up with the communications failure message.
I'll check that out. Meanwhile, here is the ndr they get.
From: System Administrator
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 5:23 PM
To: xxxxxxxxx(E-mail); xxxxxxxx(E-mail);
xxxxxxx (E-mail)
Subject: Undeliverable: hello
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients...
I've got a couple of users in my building who are having difficulties. They compose a new message and send it to the recipient it comes back with an ndr. When they open the same e-mail up from their sent items and forward it, it goes with no problem. This only happens with one recipient in...
Here's the verdict. Some adware which I deleted.
The wmiprvse.exe file was identified as w32.hllw.gaobot.gen.
Now that the problems solved, how about some ideas about how I can get my remotes to update their *&^% virus definitions!!!
Thanks again guys.
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