Actually Unix was originally free. The US anti-trust laws of the time prevented a phone company from making money selling Operating systems. When the "monopoly" was broken up (Baby Bells etc), this no longer applied and AT&T reclaimed what was theirs and started charging for it. Also...
People keep referring to Free market systems. There is no free market system in place in the real world so how will this happen on the Internet.
Almost every country in the world operates all kinds of tarrifs and subsidies designed to protect various industries or sectors of the population from...
Back when NT was first released it was very obvious that it was a Unix flavour. In fact it was based on Mica, a project started by DEC in the late 80's. They shelved the project and their chief architect went to work for MS. Soon after NT was born. If you watched the early NT boot it looked a...
Just a correction in to an earlier post. I said that NT was based to a large extent on Free BSD. I meant to say BSD, which has been around since the 70's. It was free, but they didn't start calling it Free BSD until the 90's.
If you are using a different Storage Node for recovery than the one used for backup you will have to do the following:
In the client change the "Storage Node Affinity" so that the Storage Node you are using for the recovery is the first in the list.
Your restore should work now.
You really only want to create pools if you have savesets with differing retention periods. If the retention periods are the same for Exchange, SQL and the rest, then one pool is the smart choice.
I'll answer my own question.
After some more messing about and some lateral thinking I finally cracked it. The directive that works is as follows:
<< "REPAIRDISK:\" >>
skip: "." "*.*"
Hope this can help someone else.
...have specified All in the save set field and tried the to use the following directive to exclude REPAIRDISK:
+skip: *
Unfortunately this does not work. I have also tried several other permutations, such as:
skip: "REPAIRDISK:\"
Any help here...
Just a hint for the actual review.
Under no circumstances use the phrase "nothing outstanding".
That is a very good way to assure yourself no raise.
Also, ask for a little more than you want so your boss can knock you down a little and you can still be happy.
I've looked at a lot of technical resumes during my career and most them have been pretty crappy. For some reason most techies don't seem to be able to sell themselves very effectively at all. Try getting hold of a copy of the book "Knock em Dead" (don't remember the authors name) and...
I have had this happen before and it has always been because the tape had an entry in the media management database. If you delete the volume from here it should be possible to label the tape.
I had something similar happen. The error turned out to be a DNS problem. Networker uses a reverse lookup as part of its authentication.
To diagnose the problem:
From the client:
Ping the client.
Ping the server.
nslookup the server.
nslookup the client.
From the server:
ping the server.
You might also want to check that you are actually running an incremental and not a differential (level 1-9).
From the online help:
[1 -- 9] -- backs up files that have changed since the last lower numbered backup level. For example, a level 1 backup backs up all the files that have changed...
You may want to look at the setting for the UNLOAD SLEEP time. If this is not long enough it can cause the Jukebox arm to try and remove the tape before it is ready and it will fail. By the time you issue your reset the JB it is ready to unload and the tape is "unstuck".
This is not so much an error, as it is Legato reporting a normal situation as an error.
What happens is that the tape is deposited normally, and no message is issued. Then the CAP is checked again and no cartridge is found. Instead of just ending the deposit there, Legato reports that the CAP is...
PDA's will only replace the desktop when the following features are present:
Size: small as a Palm Pilot
Voice recognition
Display: Virtual 14 inch (or better) via eye piece
Enabled for continuous high speed internet access
Battery life measured in days.
In other words you will have a PC...
...a problem lately and wondered if anyone else had experienced it before.
Some of my clients return the following message for various files:
"* <servername>: <filename>: (returned from savefs) skipped.
The saveset returned from savefs probe does not match the one specified for the...
You don't say how you copied the files. If you mounted a DOS partition on your Linux system and used cp, the DOS partition will only use the 8.3 format names and that is all you would copy.
Also ftp can in some circumstances make the conversion from long file names to 8.3 for you.
I've noticed that the RPC errors occur whenever the Networker Server can't connect to the Client. This can be because the client is down, the network is slow, reverse lookup isn't working, the RPC service is down on the client, the client nsrexecd.exe process is hung, etc. Kind of a general...
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