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  1. LKAlbert

    Vista will not shut down or suspend

    If I reboot, suspend, or shut down from the start menu, it goes into a black screen. I wait and nothing happens. When I reset or turn back on after turning it off from a shut down or reboot, I do not get the Safe Mode menu because, I presume, it failed to shut down very late in the cycle...
  2. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    Thank you for your comments. I checked and it works properly; it changes the BIOS settings and is also shown under processes. Perhaps "asInvoker" works BECAUSE I do have administrator privileges. However, in this specific case, I believe that your logic, though sound, is not the reason it...
  3. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    Well, I found a site that explains all this stuff really well! http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480150.aspx It is part of the Best Practices as defined by Microsoft.
  4. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/speech/library/mss/sas_app_dep_manifest.mspx This is just one site. It seems to me that some programs provide manifest files (suffix=manifest, in my case it was Overclk.manifest located where the program was stored). It appears, I am guessing...
  5. LKAlbert

    Larger CPU fan for Asus Striker Extreme

    Yes, thank you for your reply. The main purpose is QUIET resulting from slow fan speeds. As it turns out, Scythe may work after all. They sent me an email suggesting that I try facing the bent heat pipes facing the memory and from their tests that should work. I will keep everyone posted...
  6. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    Well, I found a better answer. Manifest files are used to determine the strength of security that is required. It is a text file that Windows uses to determine, among other things, the security that is required. A one line change to make security Level = "asInvoker" instead of Administrator...
  7. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    Well, I turned off Windows Defender (I am using other software)and that did not help. So, I turned off UAC and all the prompting from the System Tray stopped. Overclck.exe must require Administrator approval and that is why it was blocked.
  8. LKAlbert

    Larger CPU fan for Asus Striker Extreme

    I am not sure that it will fit, however. I have written to them to verify. Thank you for your support. Albert
  9. LKAlbert

    Asus software being blocked

    When I boot my computer running Vista 32 bit, I get a message from Asus Startup Runner asking me whether I want to run AI Booster. Does anyone know how to ALWAYS make it run that program rather than ask me each time? This is not exactly a Vista question, because it is not the normal Allow Deny...
  10. LKAlbert

    Larger CPU fan for Asus Striker Extreme

    I tried to replace the Core 2 Duo fan with a Scythe Andy Samurai Master CPU heatsink/fan. Unfortunately, it does not fit inside of the heat pipes surrounding the chip. I want a large fan, 120 mm, in order to have it work more slowly and hence more quietly. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  11. LKAlbert

    Vista Aero stopped working

    Your wish is my command! Installing the final version of Vista, 32bit (instead of the 64 bit RC2) and everything works now. I do not know if it was a timeout problem as reported on a number of blogs, i.e. Microsoft turns off the decoder after awhile, or a 64 bit problem, or an RC2 versus RTM...
  12. LKAlbert

    Vista Aero stopped working

    I downloaded a Codex because Media Center said that I did not have the proper one. I used the trial version of Nvidia's. I have a Nvidia 7800GTX. When I rebooted, I got a BSOD. I used my Vista RC2 CD and went back to a good Configuration (Boy, does that work well -- Good for Microsoft). I...
  13. LKAlbert

    Vista Aero stopped working

    Well, I have spent the last several hours working this problem with no success. I unloaded everything, I did a System Restore back to a time when it worked, I checked Memory using the Vista Memory diagnostic that is very thorough, I dumped several 32 bit programs that eat a disproportionate...
  14. LKAlbert

    Vista Aero stopped working

    Why do some of you always want to take the simple way out? System Restore? We all know that System Restore never works. Well, it worked this time!!!!! LOLOL I spent all this time looking for convoluted solutions, and here the most direct route was the best. Thank you very much Linny. Well...
  15. LKAlbert

    Vista Aero stopped working

    I was experimenting and changed the Theme in Personalization to Vista Basic. I did thins to see the effect. if any on memory usage. When I decided I liked the Aero better, and that my memory usage was not severely impacted, I tried to change and I no longer had the choice! I looked all over...
  16. LKAlbert

    SBS 2003 and networking

    Thank you for the advice, yes I monitor several forums and I can tell who knows SBS, which I always advise that I am using. Yes, I am amazed too, but I am excited by the challenge. I told my wife that I would like to know 1/2 as much as you do (I browsed all the SBS 2003 posts for your...
  17. LKAlbert

    SBS 2003 and networking

    Mark, I found the DNS Snap in, but the ISP information is not in it by name (i.e. bellsouth or some reasonable facimile of that name). However, the IP address is cached in the forward tab from when the server went out through the router (gateway) to get it or perhaps directly from the alternate...
  18. LKAlbert

    SBS 2003 and networking

    Thank you very much for the insight. I have changed the settings on the server for the primary DNS Server to be I have not yet changed the Alternate DNS on the workstation or the server because I do not yet know what the "Forwarders Tab" is. Also, why do I need to point to...
  19. LKAlbert

    SBS 2003 and networking

    I have a file server that has SBS 2003. I have a router/firewall/switch between file server and a DSL Bridge Modem. I have a DSL Bridge modem connected to Bellsouth with a fixed IP address assigned by Bellsouth. I have a fixed IP address for each of the six computers attached to the router (5...
  20. LKAlbert

    SBS 2003 Standard and ISA 2004 Server

    Thank you both! It is what I suspected. Albert

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