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Search results for query: *

  1. francisdela

    performance counter, server > error access permisions?

    i've recently started monitoring this counter on some sites i do support for, i've noticed on some of the sites that the counter is shooting into the thousands. If i check the audit log on the failure to access files it is absolutely nowhere near this. So my question is where are all these...
  2. francisdela

    editing files through browser

    if i open it in word it is fine it allows me to save back, its office 2003 i am using. The reason i'd like to be able to open it through a web browser , make changes and then save back is that a lot of the users that are going to be using the portal are on remote sites with slow links and the...
  3. francisdela

    editing files through browser

    Hi I'm pretty new to sharepoint. I need to be able to open files in a document library through a web browser and save them back. When i click on the document it opens in the browser but if i try and save it back i get an error stating it can't as it's read only. If i open it through excel...
  4. francisdela

    sharepoint and DFS

    Much appreciated, looks like i still have a fair bit of digging about to do before i have a solid answer to this problem but microsoft groove looks interesting and i see there's a beta so i might give that a go first.
  5. francisdela

    sharepoint and DFS

    Thanks Thomas Do you know if sharepoint can be replicated in real time to another server? I need a solution that will allow 2 offices linked by slow wan connections to access the same files. DFS would have created a share on each site with the same data and replicated changes when they were...
  6. francisdela

    sharepoint and DFS

    Hi all Don't know much about sharepoint at the moment but i need to set up a branch office with low bandwidth to be able to access files from the main site. I was going to use DFS on 2003R2 but there is a worry about multiple users accessing files at the same time and changes being lost. I...
  7. francisdela

    Two Domains

    1 thing i noticed from your post is you say you want to send out from the other domain addresses, users can only have one default address so you can receive mail from as many domains as you want you can only send out from 1 per user. I've got round this in the past by creating another user with...
  8. francisdela

    Exchange SP2 mobile users admin web site?

    Thanks a lot for your reply, clears it up somewhat. A thought has dawned on me with the new sender id framework i can put in an spf record for my mail server but i am currently getting my exchange server to forward the mail out through my ISPs smtp server due to people like AOL regecting mail...
  9. francisdela

    Exchange SP2 mobile users admin web site?

    Hi All I've installed SP2 and setup the new file size restrictions throught the registry which seems to be ok. I see documentation on microsoft that it now has added functionalty for mobile users such as remote wipe etc. It states it puts an admin web site called %iis server name%\MobileAdmin...
  10. francisdela

    rpc over http client setup query

    Hi All Is there a way to do an administrative install of outlook 2003 through a group policy that will make the outlook clients rpc over http from the off, rather than having to configure once the client is installed? Any help is much appreciated.
  11. francisdela

    adding labels to calendar and autocomplete problem

    Hi all is there a way to add more labels in the calendar? I have more than 10 employees which use a shared calendar for appointments, i want to be able to assign each of them a colour but cannot find a way to do it, it seems i'm stuck with the default 10. Also i have a user which seems to...
  12. francisdela

    Calendar Question..

    When you create the appointment invite youreslf to it and when you send it it will prompt you asking if you want to update your calendar with the appointment.
  13. francisdela

    Forward mail with unresolved recipient to mailbox

    Excellent, thanks for that, not complicated at all yet i've been looking for third party software, vbscripts and all sorts of other unneeded actions. you've saved me a lot of time. I was sure i had done this with exchange 2000 and it showed you the mail message as part of the NDR that was why i...
  14. francisdela

    Forward mail with unresolved recipient to mailbox

    Thanks for the reply, i think i tried that but instead of giving me the copy of the mail it only seemed to give me the NDR, i'll try again though.
  15. francisdela

    Forward mail with unresolved recipient to mailbox

    Hi all I'm trying to find an easy way in Exchange 2003 to forward all mail with unresolved recipients to an internal mailbox. I have read through KB315631 which seems to only apply to Exchange 2000 up to Servic pack3, so i am hoping that there is an easier way than that to do it on Exchange...
  16. francisdela

    sus install on locked PCs

    Thank you both for your responses, this is what i was thinking but with the sites being a fair distance away i just needed some confirmation, thanks again.
  17. francisdela

    sus install on locked PCs

    Hi all I have a few remote sites that i want to roll out sus to. My question is this, these PCs are not logged of at night they are locked, if i set the schedule to 3 in the morning will the PCs get their updates then restart there and then or will it wait for a user to unlock it and log on...
  18. francisdela

    question about copying from one server to another

    Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner. Robocopy worked a treat and i've now used it on two seperate migrations, 1 SBS to 2003 and 1 2000 to 2003 and they both went flawlessly. Thanks for pointing out this tool, if you have any other useful tools for migration or general administration i'd like...
  19. francisdela

    question about copying from one server to another

    Hi all I am going to be moving around 105GB of data from one 2003 server to another, i was planning to use a cross over cable between them and do it overnight. I'm worried however that after a while i'll get a message up stating this file is read only do you want to copy, or something similar...
  20. francisdela

    setting up exchange shared calendar

    Thanks markdmac i gave this a try but it's not quite what i'm looking for, basically i want one person to be logged into outlook with access to this public calendar, when that person puts an entry in for somebody in the public calendar it should put that entry into that users personal calendar...

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