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Search results for query: *

  1. blarson0

    Error on Compact Database

    Steve, following grnzbra's advice, I think I copy-pasted everything into a new database and that took care of it. This happened a while ago, so I can't say for sure, but that is what I would suggust you try.
  2. blarson0

    Where to find a Slot 1 retention clip...

    Hi! I just bought a second processor for my MB, but I can't find any slot 1 retention clips that will work... ebay has several that will work if the motherboard has hoes for them to go in, but my MB (tyan tiger 133) has screws sticking up that the clips should screw into. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  3. blarson0

    Condition to handle zero

    No, I think this sould be ran in the Before update. If you put it in the after update, it will add the record anyways. In Before update you can set cancel = true, as floid has, and it won't add the record. HTH! -Brad
  4. blarson0

    Help with field value

    Jack, Kevin is right. Look at your code: IIf(Count([proj_id])=0, ... if count([proj_id])=0, then there are no records. there isn't a project id to report. it isn't giving you a project id becuase there aren't any. Either you need to change your if statement, or restructure the code after...
  5. blarson0


    I have ran into this a few times... Try changing the line to: call Cmdhide_Click() HTH! -Brad
  6. blarson0

    changing subform's RecordSource errors out...

    unfortuantly, we are still using 97... I think I will make multiple subforms. It will only be 6 more, not that big of a deal. Thanks for the help! -Brad
  7. blarson0

    changing subform's RecordSource errors out...

    Thanks for the reply Robert. I don't think that SourceObject is the variable I am looking for. I need to change the data that the subform uses, but keep the same subform. I guess I could make a different subform for each set of data, but it would be much better if I could do it dynamically...
  8. blarson0

    changing subform's RecordSource errors out...

    Hi! I am trying to change the RecordSource for a subform based on what the user chooses from a combo box. code looks like this: Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT LeftAssy FROM [Job Q] WHERE ( JOB = '" & Me![Combo0] & "' )") If (rst!LeftAssy = "78364")...
  9. blarson0

    Make relationship with wildcards

    Hi! I am working on a database that will list off parts of assemblies that my employer makes in a factory. Sometimes, when the plans change or something is wrong with the parts list, they will issue a Temporary Deviation. That will be in another table, linked to the parts list table. So the...
  10. blarson0

    Super Advanced Programming Question - making if statements on the fly

    Sorry I took so long to respond... I have been working on a script to parse the code into conditional where statements, and making quite a bit of progress, when my employer found a report in oracle that will do it for you. These oracle programmers have made over 400 reports, and just thrown...
  11. blarson0

    bad picture zoom

    Hi! I have a database with quite a few pictures, I am wanting to move them out of the database to save space. I put them in a file on the hard drive. I was using bound OLE objects to display them, but now am using picture objects. When the picture object is in zoom mode, to show the whole...
  12. blarson0

    Access Newbie! Adding & Subtracting Fields

    just go to design view. Click on the table, then click the design button. You can switch between views with the button in the top-left corner, it has a hammer on it to get into design view. In design view just add a field name at the bottom of a list to add that field. right click and hit...
  13. blarson0

    Undo a change in a combobox

    if they say no then just set cancel=true. Cancel is the variable that is passed in the beforeUpdate event. HTH! -Brad
  14. blarson0

    Please pick this apart...

    Do you need to have the timer at all? If it isn't a dirty record, wouldn't it get caught by form_Current or form_AfterUpdate? I've always been told to avoid having continuous timers like that at all costs. This one isn't a big deal, but you should get a little better performance without it...
  15. blarson0

    Option buttons to print reports

    What is OptionButton? a radio button? make sure that it's name is OptionButton, under it's properties list. -Brad
  16. blarson0

    Loop though datasheet rows

    this isn't quite how you loop through forms. Use this to go through each record: DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext so you're code would look like this: Do Until ******* MsgBox (Forms!Allocations!AllocationTypesSubform! Code.Value) DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext Loop The problem is the until...
  17. blarson0

    Option buttons to print reports

    I noticed that you didn't define your variables correctly, this won't work: Dim stDocName As String for stDocName1 2 & 3, they must be declared seperatly, like: Dim stDocName1, stDocName2, stDocName3 As String if that doesn't fix it, then take out the line 'On Error...' and run it. Hit debug...
  18. blarson0

    Spell Check in Access??

    Good idea jabz. You can also add a spelling button if you customize your toolbar. It is in the records section for 97, probably same place for 2000. HTH! -Brad
  19. blarson0

    I don´t want #name? to be shown on all fields....

    there are a couple of work arounds that come to mind, but I can't think of any really good solutions. You could add a blank record at in your table, and make sure that it came up first, before the data is shown. Or it is fairly popular to make all the fields invisible at first, because then...
  20. blarson0

    Compact and repair by SQL

    You can do it in code, to another database, but not to the currently open database. ' This code was originally written by Terry Wickenden. ' It is not to be altered or distributed, ' except as part of an application. ' You are free to use it in any application, ' provided the copyright notice...

Part and Inventory Search
