If you contact Legato and ask them for 4.2.1b they might let you have it. Or shoot me a e-mail and I wioll send you a zip.
Please make sure you check your path and environment path make it DOS compatable IE.
If you did not use the Notes Default install and Notes is not on the C partition then you need to use a "-T" instead of the -R. and you can also use the -D3 in that statment to...
If youn don't do F.Q.D.N and use a host file when you DHCP,WINS,DNS servers fial so will your backup!! It is up to you but it is highly recommend.
If you don't have control of the scope of DNS server or control or switches and their tables then YOU want to make sure your host file does...
This is pointing to serial type juke box error. Rename the nsrjb.res file then delete the jukbox then the devices. Re run jbconfig choose auto detect and it should see your jukebox correctly - if it does NOT I would check your scsi configuration within the OS your running - Use the scsic utiltiy...
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