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Search results for query: *

  1. lizziebyrne

    go to and play mc inside another mc

    Hi! Thanks for your reply... I was referring to frame 30 of MC2 – MC2 sits inside of MC1. Not sure if this maters but the entire swf for this is also being called into level 2 of another swf.
  2. lizziebyrne

    go to and play mc inside another mc

    Hi all - this must be an easy peasy one for most out there... I have a mc1 at root level and inside that I have another mc2 and when this gets to frame 30 on the timeline I want to be able to tell mc2 to play frame 2 inside on it's own timeline - can someone pls write me the script? Thank you!
  3. lizziebyrne

    Tick Box Form Field in Word

    Hi... Okay so I've found the tick box, but how do you allow some one else to "tick" it??
  4. lizziebyrne

    gradient colors look bad in PDF's - Why?

    Please help - there must be a way to solve this. I've created a color rich vector file in illustrator that uses gradients. When I export this and create a PDF the gradients and transparencies look really bad - there are lines and banding all over the place. The PDF will be viewed on the web so...
  5. lizziebyrne

    Can't compress by PDFs enough for Web downloading

    Hi, I've been trying to compress my PDF, but how do I use Distiller to compress it? When I go to File/Open in Distiller to apply my settings it only opens post-script files. Can some one point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  6. lizziebyrne

    Centering flash movie in browser window - how?

    I've managed to center a HTML page so it always stays in the middle of the browser window. This was done by creating a 100x100% frame and putting another 100% wide frame inside and setting all frames to be aligned to the middle. The content then would go in the inner most frame. I've tried...
  7. lizziebyrne

    pop-up movies with invisible browser window - how?

    Does any one know how to create a flash movie with the browser window removed or invisible? I see them all the time now in pop-up ads, can some one show me how?? Thanks! L
  8. lizziebyrne

    Open new browser window from pop-up menu?

    Thanks for both your replies, yes I did want to specify the size of the browser window. I'll try out the code and see how I get on. Cheers once again! L
  9. lizziebyrne

    Converted .ai file to PDF won't fill whole page?

    Hi there, Hope someone can clear this up! I'm converting a lanscape A4 size Illustrator file into a PDF document. Once convereted the image only fills up some of the page, but I would like it to fill the whole page. Does any one know how to solve this? Thanks, L
  10. lizziebyrne

    Open new browser window from pop-up menu?

    Hi there, Can any one clear this up for me?? I'm trying to create a pop-up menu that opens a new browser window when you click the links. So far I've created a pop-up menu in fireworks and exported the file to dreamweaver, where I've then searched through the code to find the best place to...
  11. lizziebyrne

    Open new browser window from pop-up menu?

    Hi there, Can any one clear this up for me?? I'm trying to create a pop-up menu that opens a new browser window when you click the links. So far I've created a pop-up menu in fireworks and exported the file to dreamweaver, where I've then searched through the code to find the best place to...
  12. lizziebyrne

    Disjointed rollover - from inside to out side iframe

    I'm sure there's a simple way to solve this... I have an iframe with a strip of scrollable tumbnails. On rollover on one of the images I want to be able to view a larger view of that image in an area outside of the iframe - can any one solve this? Thank you if you can!
  13. lizziebyrne

    Telling a movie to close when another plays?

    You must of understood something of what I was saying :-)because you got the file to work just right!! Thank you!
  14. lizziebyrne

    level 1 movie unloads any where I click in the swf!

    Brilliant, it works fine, Thank you! on (release) { _root.elastic_box._visible = false; _level0.letter.enabled = true; } Looking at the code above used on the close button in FlickerTest2.swf Why do you need to tell the elastic_box movie to become invisible, when it’s the swf that’s its in...
  15. lizziebyrne

    Telling a movie to close when another plays?

    Hi I've added a page on to the back of my site, so here's a link to the file that I'm working on, which can be found in navbar.zip http://www.lizziebyrne.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/lizbyrne.com/workinprogress.htm Only the buttons Carousel and Shows are in action at the moment. You'll see that when...
  16. lizziebyrne

    level 1 movie unloads any where I click in the swf!

    Hi, I applied this code: onClipEvent (mouseDown) { unloadMovieNum(1); } to the Close movie clip, which can be found in the Elastic Box movie clip, in flickerTest2.fla. Here's a link to the fla file that you can download...
  17. lizziebyrne

    Telling a movie to close when another plays?

    This should be an easy one for most of you to solve…but obviously not for me! I have five movie clips on a nav bar (these are the buttons), when selected they pop up and play the movie fine. What I can’t do: Get whatever movie has previously been selected to return to its start position when...
  18. lizziebyrne

    level 1 movie unloads any where I click in the swf!

    This is probably way to obvious, but… I have two swf’s one at level0 and the other loading on top at level 1. On level 1 I’ve made a small area into a Close Window button (to close the file when finished). The problem is level 1 movie closes any where you click within the file, not just on...
  19. lizziebyrne

    MX Slider - How do I get this to work?

    I've just downloaded an extension, 'XM Slider' for Dreamweaver at http://www.xmextensions.com/xmExtensions.asp. Can someone describe from scratch how to get this great little extension working? I can't seem to find a decent tutorial. Thanks in advance, Lizzie

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