The following formula will remove the last two digits and dash from the Material Code which will allow you to compare it to the ID
This formula should remove all blank spaces and remove the last two characters.
//Replace {Table.PostCode} with your field.
Mid(Replace({Table.PostCode}, " ", ""), 1, Length(Replace({Table.Postcode}, " ", ""))-2)
Check out thread 767-1012607 titled Easy Grouping Question
It explains grouping in clusters by creating a formula like:
if {VP_PERSON.HOMELABORACCOUNT} in ["536","456"] then 1 else
if {VP_PERSON.HOMELABORACCOUNT} in ["444","577"] then 2 else...
You will need to use the character for spaces to be recognized by HTML.
This will add 4 spaces after bold "REnumber"
"<b>RENumber</b> "
Take a look at:
Format text in formula???
You can use HTML tags in your formula for bold text:
Then you have to format the formula->format field->paragraph formatting->text interpretation->HTML text.
Here is another option if you do not have a table containing all dates.
Take a look at lbass's post in thread767-526332
stamped 20 Jul 03 17:46
Thread title:
A real puzzler - displaying database 'gaps'......
I was reviewing the new features of Crystal 11 and saw "Dynamic Image Location" which looks like it could be what you are looking for to be able to insert different company logos on the same report.
You could move the running total field down to the region group footer. You would then only see the subtotal count for each region.
Would this be OK, or does it have to be in the detail section?
Take a look at FAQ 767-4532
"Creating data for dates not in the data set with SQL Server SQL to create a Periods Table"
Create a formula using "Replace" to get rid of unwanted characters. The sample below will get rid of slashes dashes and blank spaces:
Replace (Replace (Replace (Replace({Table.LIC_NUMBER}, "/", ""), "\", ""), " ", ""), "-", "")
There is a sample report on the Business Objects web site called "How to Display a Proper Check Box". Differnet options are shown with the WingDing char# to use. Found this very helpful.
File Name...
Yes there is a hotfix that needs to be applied to update the excel export dll.
Knowledge Base article: c2015942
Cannot set options when exporting to Microsoft Excel in the DHTML viewer
Go to the Section Expert for the Details section. Click the X-2 for Surpression and insert this formula. This should surpress any name that has more than one detail line.
previous({CLIENT.ID}) = {CLIENT.ID}
Here is a link I saved that describes what you are trying to do. I haven't had a chance to try it.
Create a calendar-style report
Need a report that looks like a calendar or month planner? Crystal can do it.
By Linda Bass
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