I have the following formula:
I need to be able to bold the following word only "RENumber", how can I do this... I have looked at some other the posts but can get it to work...
All help is appreciated.
stringvar vRENumber := {Rpt_Smaple.RENumber};
If IsNull({Rpt_Sample.StreetDirection}) Then
LTRIM(RTRIM(ToText({Rpt_Sample.StreetNumber},0,'') + ' ' + {Rpt_Sample.StreetName}+ ' ' + {Rpt_Sample.StreetType}))
+ Chr(9) + CHR(9) +'RENumber: '+ vRENumber
LTRIM(RTRIM(ToText({Rpt_Sample.StreetNumber},0,'') + ' ' + {Rpt_Sample.StreetDirection} + ' ' +
{Rpt_Sample.StreetName}+ ' ' + {Rpt_Sample.StreetType}))+ Chr(9) + CHR(9)+ 'RENumber: '+ vRENumber
All help is appreciated.