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Search results for query: *

  1. Beer4meok

    Slow shutdown of Windows 7

    Slow shutdown of Windows 7? Fix it quickly 2010-01-10 11:41 I encountered a problem of my PC with Windows 7 shutting down too slow (about 80 seconds)or longer. Being otherwise really happy with Windows 7 and it's stability, I investigated what causes this slow shutdown. Turns out the solution...
  2. Beer4meok

    Cannot see files in local Disk C

    Thanks for all the quick responses, I got it sorted out. Greg, I have been using, XoftSpyse,AdAware,Trojan Remover and Spy Remover. Spy Removers interface looks a lot like Spy Bot Except for Trojan remover,all the rest will sometimes pick up some files or cookies that the others missed, so I...
  3. Beer4meok

    Cannot see files in local Disk C

    Thank you Greg I don't know how I overlooked that. Something I did in the last week must have switched it to hide files Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  4. Beer4meok

    Cannot see files in local Disk C

    When I go to "My Computer"/local disk C I can only see two files And they are for my HP printer. Every other file will not show up, program files,windows etc. They must be somewhere everything else is working fine. Checked for trojans and viruses just before posting none found. Systems...
  5. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Thank you Linney, This article was most helpful http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000648.htm I'm not sure if it was the update or not,its just makes me suspicious that after all the boots and reboots that i have done on this machine. It only happened after that reboot. Thanks again Dave
  6. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Thank you Linney, This article was most helpful http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000648.htm I'm not sure if it was the update or not,its just makes me suspicious that after all the boots and reboots that i have done on this machine. It only happened after that reboot. Thanks again Dave
  7. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Yes I did mean NTLDR, Tried to repair from installation CD,did not work, also changed the battery,thought it mite be that. I don't have a floppy drive on that machine. thanks, will keep trying Dave
  8. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Yes I did mean NTLDR, Tried to repair from installation CD,did not work, also changed the battery,thought it mite be that. I don't have a floppy drive on that machine. thanks, will keep trying
  9. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Hi hope some one can help me with this, I installed the latest update from Microsoft on my desktop,It asked me to restart, Then I get this message, HTLDR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart I can not get into my bios,or safe mode just get the message continually in a loop.???:-( Please...
  10. Beer4meok

    HTLDR is missing

    Hi hope some one can help me with this, I installed the latest update from Microsoft on my desktop,It asked me to restart, Then I get this message, HTLDR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart I can not get into my bios,or safe mode just get the message continually in a loop.??? :-( Please...
  11. Beer4meok

    Burning CD - Troubleshooting

    With all due respect. Have you upgraded you version of Nero? Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  12. Beer4meok

    MSN Content Plus ,Popup,Uninstall

    Finaly found the answer to get rid of this pop up,I could not find the answer in the archive. Uninstall MSN Content Plus I had the same problems. I have sent an email to support of msn content plus and got a auto reply. see below. AND IT WORKED. FAQ: Q: How to remove the register alert...
  13. Beer4meok

    Best place for *free* WinXP themes ?

    You will find whatever you want here. (Not free but what is??) http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/ Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  14. Beer4meok

    My Documents on every startup

    I forgot to say that I have run spybot and adaware and have checked for viruses. Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  15. Beer4meok

    My Documents on every startup

    Thanks Bill, This is the logfile,I don't know what I am looking for here can anyone help? Thanks Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2 Scan saved at 11:25:16 AM, on 8/18/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes...
  16. Beer4meok

    My Documents on every startup

    After installing SP2 My Documents page keeps comming up on every start or restart. Anyone else with this problem? Its not actualy a problem more annoying than anything else. Besides that SP2 is working great. Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  17. Beer4meok

    motorola surfboard modem

    This may sound overly simple, did you try turning the modem and the computer off and then restarting, XP will find the modem. Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  18. Beer4meok

    Autoplay problems

    I found this auto repair wizard, It may fix your problem. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c680a7b6-e8fa-45c4-a171-1b389cfacdad&DisplayLang=en Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave
  19. Beer4meok

    Clone CD problem

    I don't know if this will help you or not this is from lockergnome. Question: I am running WinXP Pro. When I right-click on a file or folder, and use the "Send To" menu, there are only two options on the menu: "Send to 3.5 floppy" or "Send to CD burner." Before, there were several options...
  20. Beer4meok

    Changing Colour Settings on XP PRo Desktops

    Found this right after the last post http://www.tgtsoft.com/download.php there is a res edit at the bottom of the page. Please let us know if the advice we give is of some help. Feedback will benefit all Dave

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