So, could Output 1 = None be the reason why it possibly failing to call the batch adapter, and doesn't get to the external call? Or even getting to any retries?
Sorry, sometimes I'm sloooow picking things up if you've already told me.
Pattnaik - If your question is unrealted to the thread, please start your own. You'll get a better response. Also, state your current release of Datastage and the environment in which it runs at the beginning of your post. Proper English and punction helps too. :-)
Anybody have the readme from the Service PACK for Integration Broker? I just want to have a list of all changes. Not the one for CMGR patch...I have that already.
We just applied the service pack to bring us up to 6.7.1, but noticed no differences in commerce manager. Can someone with 6.7 open their Partner Manager, Help-About and tell me what version and build they are running?
Mine is Version 7.0 - build 1092.
Interesting - how can I determine of the service pack was applied to Commerce Manager? I opened partner manager on the new server and the version is 7.0 and the build is 1092. eh?
What about if the source calls a batch file, triggered by a time event?
We have one map (output 1 = input 1) that is triggered by a time event, and the souce is a batch file and the output is set to SINK. We always get a source not available...yet it's a batch file! Any ideas?
The target should be. It's in the default Mercator6.7 structure. Here are the settings.
Watch: 3
MSL File: e:\mercator6.7\systems\MessageManager.msl
System: Archive
Component: Archive
Map: E:\Mercator6.7\cmgr\mmgr\Archive.mmc
Priority: Normal
Map Delay: <none>
Pending Exp.: <none>...
What are the negative ramifications of having it there when it's not supposed to? And while you are in the generous mood of helping me out so much :-) Can you look over the rest of my settings to see if something looks out of whack?
Boca - The map is the default message manager archive map. It is set at 1 maxconccurent.
Generally, there are about 5000 files per day that need to be zipped. The old server (1 proc machine) never had them queue up. The new one (2 proc and faster) has them queing up and takes about 30 second...
6.7.1 win2k
Alright, hopefully some one can shed some light on this. In the old production environment, there an "idleBat" setting in the .ini:
After IBM support looked at my .ini file, they said that resource management of this type does...
Janhes - it always works just fine from the batch file manually. But when there are a lot of files, some just fail.
Boca, we are usuing version 1.0. :-( The main map is a gereric map Output1=input1. It’s workspace is set to FILE, so it should not be multi-threaded. Here are the stats on it...
Yes, I copied, but made some adjustments to maxthreads as the new server has twice as many CPU's. Also, I reduced the triggertime from 30 to 10.
After watching it some more, the archive map does not hang - it just takes forever to zip files! There is a bout a 15 minute back-up and the files...
OK, Boca, Janhes and Eyetry have helped me identify why maps get a “source not available” on certain files, however the map actually pulls it.
The classic double trigger issue. An application drops the file, Mercator attempts to pick it up, but the file is not finished. A second map is kicked...
How can I make them get along? :)
We have a system that moves files to a folder. On source event, a generic map calls the batch adapter. The batch file calls gpg.exe which encypts files. Well, this darn gpg.exe either get's stuck in task manager or simply does not process the files and give...
6.7.1 Win2k
Our server is brand new and we just installed 6.7.1 and deployed a few systems. All is well, except in the management console, the archive.mmc map remains open.
Component - archive
Map - Mercator6.7/mmgr/archive.mmmc
System - Archive
State - Put Adapter
Card - 3...
So, I'm assuming someone must have changed it to SINK a while back.
I changed it to !create rather than Sink. What is the difference again? Sink is memory and !create is file based?
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