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Search results for query: *

  1. jgunkel

    How to push updated software to other SuSE machines from single image?

    Depending on the exact permutation (Suse vs OpenSuse, versions, etc.) you may have a number of options: 1) rug/zmd - the Redcarpet updater daemon. Originally from RedHat, was bought by Novell for use in ZenWorks 2) you - Yast Online Update. More of a "pull" kinda thing. 3) libzypp based apps...
  2. jgunkel

    My Linux Web Server keeps crashing, Can someone help me solve this?

    The sar utilities are also good for sleuthing stuff like this. Start the sa daemon to collect per minute (configurable) stats that you can then use sar report on both while the machine is spiraling down and after the reboot. That will give you memory usage, disk activity, process counts, etc...
  3. jgunkel

    Fibre daughter board signal specs

    From my experience of what we had to set up last fall when we were doing a staged move to a new building... Running: - Opt11c - Rls4.5 - SSC with PPP IP connections to other cabinets The cabinets were originally connected with one cross-over ethernet cable between each expansion cabinet and...
  4. jgunkel

    Passwordless ssh login on Sparc

    Well, from the looks of it, your setup all supports the ssh2 protocols and cyphers, and because you have had success on your other machines, this should be something specific with this system With all other things working, and other users being able to ssh to the box (I presume, or you would...
  5. jgunkel

    Block calls based on Caller ID?

    John, I assume you mean that you can block the incoming calls with symposium (or Contact Centre?), provided the calls are routed through a cdn that is acquired by Symposium? Otherwise, I thought that Symposium and CC had no bearing on normal call processing? Thanks, (another John)
  6. jgunkel

    OTM 2.0 to 3.0

    The ESN editor is still there, it's just available at the TM server console instead of through the web app. Basically, TM 3.0 behaves and feels like a half-finished conversion to a web app. TM3.1 is supposed to be better, (bugfixes,) but you still have to use the windows apps to use the...
  7. jgunkel

    How do I use grep to filter "****"?

    Smeg! That's not supposed to happen! (/me furiously types snippet directly into my shell) (grumble) You are exactly correct. In that case it should be grep -E '{4}[^*]' test Thank you sir! You have reminded me of why I switched to perl for most of my scripting needs. Or maybe I can blame...
  8. jgunkel

    Kernel parameter shmctl change

    After you have used sysctl to tweak the setting while running, you can make the change automatic at boot time by adding a line like this to /etc/sysctl.conf: kernel.shmmax = 134217728
  9. jgunkel

    Exiting a shell script on error?

    Well, I meant more like this: function errorhandler() { if ( $1 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 # if the command succedes: then echo "Command ran okay" else # if the command errors out: echo "Ahhhh! time to panic!" return 1 # or exit 1 if you want to bomb right out to the shell fi...
  10. jgunkel

    Exiting a shell script on error?

    Ways to skin this cat, assuming that by "dos style" you are talking about checking the errorlevel (return status in Linux): 1) if you just want a cleaner script, put your grep and if into a function, in which case you can then say in your script: checkstars("make etc etc etc") 2) reverse your...
  11. jgunkel

    How do I use grep to filter "****"?

    chipper, Serves me right for posting that at the end of my day here after coming to work with a cold. Have a star for posting a useful and non-inflamitory response :) Alrighty then... The two reasons for your grep statement outputs four lines of "****" is (1)the "-o", where it prints exactly...
  12. jgunkel

    OTM window size in 3.0

    (Sorry, my helpdesk personality just popped up...) Silly suggestion, but maximize the browser window and check the resolution of your screen. You should be able to get at least 20 shown at a time (at least I think 20 is the default)
  13. jgunkel

    How do I use grep to filter "****"?

    Single quotes will also keep the shell from expanding wildcards, so: grep '****' will also work.
  14. jgunkel

    Urgent...Day light save time change--november

    An additional note: if you are using any major distribution, your vendor will have an updated timezone package available which fixes DST for all timezones affected, instead of just your own.
  15. jgunkel

    How to forward all mail to existing smtp server?

    hmmmm... By default, relaying should be disabled. If you can verify that the only uncommented DAEMON_OPTIONS directive looks something like this: DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl and that it has been processed into the .cf file, you're done. Sendmail will be bound only...
  16. jgunkel

    How to forward all mail to existing smtp server?

    Assuming you are running sendmail, you need to specify the SMARTHOST directive (and the address of your mail server) in your sendmail.mc then use that to rebuild your sendmail.ca
  17. jgunkel


    Re: redundancy... yup. The 3750's stacking is not the old-school style spoke and hub. It's a full loop around all the switches, and control of the stack is not permanently tied to any one particular switch. That is, if the current master dies, one of the surviving switches will be elected as...
  18. jgunkel


    If you are stacking 3750's, at least make sure that the firmware on the switch you are adding is not _newer_ than the rest of the stack. It's not a big deal if it's a little bit older though, as when a new stack member is joined, the unit with the newest firmware will update the firmware on the...
  19. jgunkel


    Don't know if you got this done yet, but try the following: ufsrestore rvf /home/dump (swap the v and f) If you have one file, (ie: "tape" volume,) that will work fine. Alternatively, if you have both volumes mounted at the same time, you can do: cd /sourcefs/ ufsdump 0f - / | ( cd /destfs/...

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