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Search results for query: *

  1. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    Yea I left it off all last night and it overheated in less than 10 minutes (Lost signal at 107 oc) I checked the inside of my PC and it is free from dust so I removed and reseated the card and got no change. The PC is only a few months only so I called the company who sold it to me and they...
  2. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    It is definatly a heat issue, I will give the inside a cleanup and see what happens. GPU-Z Sensor Log: GPU Temperature [°C] 2010-09-24 13:52:57 , 103.0 2010-09-24 13:52:58 , 103.0 2010-09-24 13:52:59 , 104.0 2010-09-24 13:53:00 , 104.0 Max for my card is 105 :) David Lerwill "If at...
  3. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    More info --------[ Sensor ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sensor Properties: Sensor Type ITE IT8720F (ISA A10h) GPU Sensor Type...
  4. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    according to everest monitor it is currently running at 46 oc (115 0f) is that good or bad :) David Lerwill "If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
  5. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    There was only 1 notification in the 10 minutes leading up to the last no signal Session "Circular Kernel Context Logger" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000188 no idea what that means lol Is there any software that I can download that will monitor my PC and log temprature etc? David...
  6. dwlerwill

    Nvidia issue

    Hi Guys Hope someone can help as I am baffled I have a packard bell iXtreme X6620 UK PC All was well but yesterday while using the PC to my monitor would suddenly display "No Signal" and the only option is to hold down power and force shutdown. when reboot all is fine for a while until No...
  7. dwlerwill

    Popup issue

    Removed suggested items and ran smitfraud logs below Highjack this: Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 23:43:58, on 13/01/2008 Platform: Windows Vista (WinNT 6.00.1904) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16575) Boot mode: Normal Running processes...
  8. dwlerwill

    Popup issue

    Hi All I am having an issue with random popups (only happens when I have IE or firefox open) I am using Microsoft onecare and Ad Aware so not sure how this happened. My Hijack this report is below Anyone any suggestions Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 15:01:37, on...
  9. dwlerwill

    Invalid serial number. Please consult the Installation Instructions.

    Hi We have installed informix on a new server and when we try and run any informix commands (I.E. onstat) we get the error Invalid serial number. Please consult the Installation Instructions. I have spoken to the unix admin who installed the software and he said it did not ask for for serial...
  10. dwlerwill


    SDFIX does not seem to work with vista, running other programs now will post when I have the logs David Lerwill "If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
  11. dwlerwill


    Hi I subscribed for a year last month.. Here is the log as requested Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 22:27:50, on 15/10/2007 Platform: Unknown Windows (WinNT 6.00.1904) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16546) Running processes: C:\Windows\system32\taskeng.exe C:\Program...
  12. dwlerwill


    Hi All I made the mistake and subscribed to Microsoft onecase :( The problem, every day I get a warning that win32RpcDcom.gen has been found and quarantined now the question(S) 1/ How do I get rid of this as full scans etc are run and the next day it is back again. 2/ When I check the virus...
  13. dwlerwill

    sending reported error 0x80040201

    Found this on another forum may help "What I found was that Outlook still had some Exchange adresses in ' it's memory' and the message to be sent included an exchange adress, whereas exchange was not being used anymore. This could happen on systems which have used Exchange but have changed...
  14. dwlerwill

    Game - Problems with movement

    Thank you that is a good play :) David Lerwill "If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
  15. dwlerwill

    Signature Image shows Placeholder

    Could it be a security issue have you tried this in outlook Tools > Options > security > Change Automatic Download settings. Compare the results with a PC that works. Just an idea :) David Lerwill "If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
  16. dwlerwill

    Game - Problems with movement

    Hi All I am making a game in VB and it is 90% completed but I am stuck on one aspect. The movement, I want to move the players position from one square to another square on the board each square has a grid reference and they enter the square they want to move from and to and it moves them one...
  17. dwlerwill

    Can not delete certain files

    Hi All I have been trying to delete certain files from my PC and get the error Access is denied you do not have permission. I am set as Admin and still can not delete various files if it helps the files are settings for norton live update that there support forum tells you to delete if...
  18. dwlerwill

    detect server time

    Thank you :) David Lerwill "If at first you don't succeed go to the pub"
  19. dwlerwill

    Any particular reason \n doesn't work?

    best way i have found is echo "<br>"; works well and easy to spot when making chages David Lerwill &quot;If at first you don't succeed go to the pub&quot;
  20. dwlerwill

    detect server time

    Hi All I have an online game in PHP I made but my webhost has decided to suddenly disable scedualed tasks to save server load so I need a bit of help. Until I move to a new server I was thinking of changing the game login script to check a mysql table to see the date the last update took place...

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