Hosting Web servers,FTP servers etc. with internal application servers on the same VM host...I believe there are several areas of concern including:
Shared Physical Resources
Transparent Page Sharing (Shared Memory)
Simple admin mistakes (as Arisap has pointed out)
VMWare is software...
I've been asked to explore the idea of using Vi3 to create a DMZ. I've been looking at the various resources on the web available to determine if it's a viable solution and have found that most people are fence sitting on this option. It appears that most solution providers (both vendors and...
how can you determine the originating host of a VM by its' MAC address?
We recently had an incident at work and unless someone owns up to causing it, we will all lose our installations. I've checked on the web and found how you can manually set MACs, but nothing on how they are auto-created...
How important is the quality of the graphics card on the server?
We run a Published Desktop with an Oracle application on 4 Compaq DL580 1.8/2000 servers to approximately 90 concurrent users to remote sites. we've always had problems with strange colors appearing from time to time, but a...
I've been tasked with keeping a win2k 1.8 citrix farm alive until we can afford an replacement solution. the problem that is happening is that if a broken connection occurs, the connection remains active on the server. I've checked the connection configuration and the settings are overriding...
Run regedt32 and load the hive (NTuser.dat) in the profiles of your default user and possibly a couple of your anon users. It could be that you are holding on to residual information of previous mappings there.
I'm attempting to install Tivoli Storage Manager Client onto our W2k/1.8 Citrix boxes and am having no success. Is there anyone out there who has successfully installed this product on Citrix? The problem appears to be that the client doesn't like the use of a root drive that's not...
Another option is to take the events from the logs and visit They have an excellent database of errors and remedies for most errors and good details on some of the more obscure ones.
Good luck,
Help!!! I'm trying to install nt4 onto a compaq dl 380 G3 - each time I install using the smartstart CD (6.30) after the install is done, a second floppy drive appears. Any Ideas
Jon, I figured that was the answer but I just wanted another opinion. I can get the restriction applied at the DB end, it's just sometimes the hassle almost isn't worth the end result. My best bet is to wait for them to come up with the idea and then they'll act on it.
Thanks for you time...
Thanks for your comments Jontmke. Addition info below.
IE is being delivered as part of a desktop along with the Oracle Application Desktop Integrator and a couple standard Office apps. Within the front end for the DB, the users have an option under the file menu to change responsibilites...
We deliver an Oracle database via IE and have found that some of the users will open a second or third instance of IE to gain access to their other responsibilities at the same time. While it has no effect on performance of the Citrix boxes, it does affect the other users performance at the...
Just a couple general questions about the Server Administration Tool. Does the browser suffer any impact if a number of Helpdesk personnel or administrators are using the admin tool at the same time. Would it be better to have all users of the tool to be connected to a single server or does it...
It sounds like you have probably set group policies for your users and have checked to disable standard context menu option which is part of the inetres.adm file.
We run NetWare client on the workstations as well as Microsoft Windows Network and Terminal Services. We've arranged them in priority order of (from top down) MS Windows Network, MS Terminal Services and lastly Netware. By changing the order our timeout issues did get resolved in Citrix, but...
We were experiencing similar problems with our Exchange server timing out in Citrix. One resolve for the time outs was to adjust the provider order setting for the network connection on the W2k workstations. This can be found on the Advanced option on the menu bar for the connection and...
I've found DriveImage 2002 to work very well with our Citrix boxes. Easy, acceptable speed, and a network boot disk builder that easy to create disks and use.
One option available to you is to give the everyone group manage documents rights to all printers and then give your specific users print rights to the prefered printers. This will remove all printers except the default from the view list on the dropdown. There's no need to worry about the...
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