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Search results for query: *

  1. ccastelein

    How to update a file with word pad then run that file in a batch file

    Sorry, from what i can tell this is not dos. try http://www.robvanderwoude.com/ for dos commands
  2. ccastelein

    Basic for command

    I honestly dont know why. ive been tinkering around with this for a week or so... i get the same results. ill keep trying. wish i could be more helpful.
  3. ccastelein

    command line - imputting popup prompt answer

    not familiar with the "esentutl" dos command... if there is any... if its a windows pop up your try to quelch you might try AUTOIT from www.hiddesoft.com that might solve your problem. hope that helps. ccastelein
  4. ccastelein

    clean cookies of all users with BAT file

    ...using... second you can go to internet options and block all cookies... options>privacy>advanced> override auto block 1st party and 3rd party cookies... third i think your quotes are in the wrong place.. try this. del "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\cookies\*.*" /S /Q /F hope this helps
  5. ccastelein

    Batch file sequential limitation

    um.. no. why dont you tell us what your attemting to do, and maybe we can figure something out. maybe your looking for a delayed variable expansion... go to www.robvanderwoude.com and look up under batch commands "delayed variable expansion". also there is an "&" symbol(command) that could be...
  6. ccastelein

    what am i doing wrong newbie to batch files

    two things... 1) EBGreen is right, %userprofile% will put in the path you need... to test if that is the path you want get to a dos promt (start>run>cmd) then type set this will show you a list of defined variables... userprofile should be one of them... 2) im pretty sure you your going to use...
  7. ccastelein

    Drawing error preventing me from binding xrefs.

    carlak is correct... you need and object enabler. if you dont find one at the link he provided for your cad program you will probably have to upgrade or have the architect save down to a version you can bind with. hope this helps ccastelein
  8. ccastelein

    Autocad Recover

    Hi ColmR, Sorry to hear about your file... Im guessing you may have an xref in the drawing? and that you may have tried to hatch something using the xref as a boundry...this is a sure fire way to corrupt your drawing really fast... there are a few things you can try... quickest and easiest is to...
  9. ccastelein

    CUI custimization of F4 key?

    in adt6 and im unable to customize the F4 key in the new CUI interface....the help says you can..but i cant get it to.. it will always put a SHIFT+ in front of it.. it was easy the old way...just edit the menu file and type what you want... why do they mess with a good thing? anyhelp? ccastelein
  10. ccastelein

    Looking for an easy way to scale completed drawings down.

    lukeroberts2005, I dont mean to sound bad, but you really need to read about PAPERSPACE, VIEWPORTS, and Scaleing thru Viewports...if not in your manual, at least in the F1 help menus...everything you need to know about plotting your drawing to a scale is in there.... Get back to us when you...
  11. ccastelein

    simulating enter in a batch file, won't let me pipe a txt file

    wibblewobblewow, I have come to grips that there is no way to simulate a carriage return in a dos batch file.... with that said, there still is hope. I turned to a new language that is very similar to dos. Give this serious consideration. it is called AutoIT. http://www.hiddensoft.com/AutoIt/...
  12. ccastelein

    Windows xp help center lacking

    i recently upgraded to windows xp from windows 2000... the "help center and support" is really lacking from windows 2000... Is there a way to change the xp help to be like windows 2000 help ? for example: i use the windows help to quickly look up the dos commands for their relavent switches...
  13. ccastelein

    Excel sheet to AutoCAD Dwg

    ive always used a third party program to import excel into acad... try "spanner" or this product looks real promising after i downloaded the demo.. http://www.cadaddon.com/cgi-bin/products/ hope this helps cdc
  14. ccastelein

    Old autocad command

    theres also the cookie cutter trim... now only available with express tools via the command line "extrim" cdc
  15. ccastelein

    Stopping Default Web site in a batch file

    i guess i would need more information... do you want to invoke an explorer (like IE) and stop its default website and replace it with either "blank" or something else? if so, thats a registry setting at: My Computer\Hkey_Current_user\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\start page i...
  16. ccastelein

    How do I avoid Xcopy prompts?

    your batch file line should read: xcopy g:\2004rpts\*.* o:\wwwroot\reports /s/y the forward slash /s does subdirectories the forward slash /y surpresses confirmation of file overwrite. if you also include /d behind the /s/y you can save your self copying identicle files.... the /d looks at the...
  17. ccastelein

    Exporting registry key and SETing the string

    ...each pc.here it is: REGEDIT /E :NEWFILE.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\YOUR-APP-HERE" FOR /F "TOKENS=1* delims==" %%A in ('TYPE c:NEWFILE.reg ^| FIND ":"') DO SET UI1=%%B SET LINE1=%UI1:\\=\% SET LINE1=%LINE1:\"="% SET LINE1 FOR /F "DELIMS=" %%A...
  18. ccastelein

    How to tell if current user has admin privileges?

    what your asking might be able to be done, but not easily, like say in an IF statement... you use the "net localgroup administrators >>member.txt" on the command line which dumps the output to a text file.. then you could check the txt file to see if the users (domain\user) name is in the...
  19. ccastelein

    auto answering a username and password prompt

    in windows 2000 (i know your using foxpro...no idea if its similar) this is the syntax needed: net use devicename [/home[password | *]] [/delete:{yes | no}] i agree with MiggyD...check your help files for the correct connection. Chris Castelein Shive-Hattery Cedar Rapids, ia
  20. ccastelein


    if your looking for just a message to pop up that could say anything and only have an OK prompt then you could use the "net send" command..you would just need to know the "who" to send it too... example net send (pc name) "Your shorts are too tight!" if you dont know the "who" to send to there...

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