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Search results for query: *

  1. timroop

    SQL 2017 and Openrowset query to excel file

    I'll answer my own question. Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far. I had not rebooted after loading the Database engine downloaded from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=13255 Have a great day! Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why...
  2. timroop

    SQL 2017 and Openrowset query to excel file

    I am using the below code: select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', 'excel 12.0;HDR=yes;imex=1; driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)}; extended properties=excel 12.0 xml; Database=\\sql2016\Imports\SETUP.xls', 'select * from [Employees$]') I get an error...
  3. timroop

    Moving report services to a new sql instance

    We determined how to create a new Data source and remap the report to use it. Thank you for taking the time to look at this anyway. T Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why waste time getting upset? If you can't do anything about it, why bother getting upset on top of it? -Shantideva
  4. timroop

    Moving report services to a new sql instance

    We have migrated our databases to a new sql instance on the same server as the current instance. Is it possible to change the sql instance that the entire report server refers to? ie. Our current SQL is named SQLData and the new instance is SQLData\Version10. Is it possible to migrate the...
  5. timroop

    No outside SMTP and unable to enter telnet commands

    This has just popped up today. Clients reported that email was down. I seem to be able to send and recieve from the local network. However outside users are unable to send but can receive. I am not able to telnet to port 25 from outside. Inside telnet works but each character manually typed...
  6. timroop

    One user does not see reports

    The report server is simply a default install with only a few reports published. We have two groups (payroll, and HR). I have not denied any rights and the only permissions have been setup through the report server. Other users in the groups have no problems with retrieving the reports. In...
  7. timroop

    One user does not see reports

    I have one user (a member of HR group) that does not see the report list on the server's main HTTP://Server/reports page. The user gets the page header down to the line above the bar that shows "New Folder, New Data source, etc" Is there an Add-in or other control that I'm missing? I've...
  8. timroop

    query to return records from last date only

    I have a view returning a list of checks and related employee information. The important fields here are CheckDate, CheckAmt, EmployeeID, and EmployeeTermDate. I need to return the last check for employees that have been terminated (EmployeeTermDate not NULL). However the view returns all...
  9. timroop

    SELECT to return sum and last value in table

    RiverGuy Thank you so much. That last bit of code was the closer. I was close but couldn't get the last bit down. Tim Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why waste time getting upset? If you can't do anything about it, why bother getting upset on top of it? -Shantideva
  10. timroop

    SELECT to return sum and last value in table

    I need to return a period to date total as well as a last value from a table. Given the following data set... Declare @Temp Table(EmpId VarChar(20), Checkdate smalldatetime, Gross_Pay numeric(19,5), IRA_Contribution numeric(19,5)) Insert Into @Temp Values('01123DOE', '01/01/2010', 500.00...
  11. timroop

    WUS and IE8

    I accepted IE8 and it's updates for install to our workstation group. We then found that IE8 didn't like one of the main websites (bank) used by our accounting dept. I have since created a NoIE8 group and moved the appropriate computers into it. I then set all of the IE8 updates to be...
  12. timroop

    Remove voided ACH batch

    We have the situation where a payroll was run and it created an ACH batch for processing. The payroll was then voided but the ACH batch is still listed in ACH Maintenance. If you view the detail, the transactions all show checks by either Void or Man. Void. My first thought was to go ahead...
  13. timroop

    Integration Manager security issue with Direct to table import

    Thanks for the reply janakiranmp. I have most of that covered. Could you elaborate on the COM+ account credentials? Tim Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why waste time getting upset? If you can't do anything about it, why bother getting upset on top of it? -Shantideva
  14. timroop

    Integration Manager security issue with Direct to table import

    Dynamics GP Professional 9.00.365 Integration Manager 9.00.0047 We have a few users that need to use Direct to Table imports in Integration Manager. We set the integrations up on one of our IT dept computers and everything works fine. The same integration fails on the end user workstation...
  15. timroop

    Purge orphaned user IDs

    I found and deleted user from the SQL Security Logins portion and GP allowed me to delete the user. Thank you. Tim Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why waste time getting upset? If you can't do anything about it, why bother getting upset on top of it? -Shantideva
  16. timroop

    Purge orphaned user IDs

    We have the situation where GP users have been removed from the SQL database users but are still present in the User setup in GP. When you attempt to delete one of these IDs the system reports a SQL error and recommends that the SQL administrator be contacted. My thoughts are that the user IDs...
  17. timroop

    Multiple versions of Modified report

    While not exactly what I was hoping to hear, We'll look into those options. Thank you. Tim Roop "If you can do something about it, why waste time getting upset? If you can't do anything about it, why bother getting upset on top of it? -Shantideva
  18. timroop

    Company not listed in W-2 Magenetic Media

    Our CFO brought this to me today. When we go into Tools |Routines |Payroll | W-2 Magnetic Media only one of our current companies shows up for the 2008 filing year. If we change the year to 2007 all of our companies show up. The company that shows up also lists the correct date when the...
  19. timroop

    Multiple versions of Modified report

    winthropdc: Thank you for the reply. I do understand how to enable/diable the primary modified report using security. We would like to switch between two different modified reports. Could you please elaborate on how to "create secondary copies and run them from custom reports"? Thank you...
  20. timroop

    Multiple versions of Modified report

    Maybe it is the way we were taught but I don't know this. Is it possible to have more than one version of a modified report? We have a modified SUTA report that has no SSNs. We also have a need for a simple line item report that has no headers or footers. Basically I need to know if it is...

Part and Inventory Search
