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Search results for query: *

  1. paulray

    Programatically determine if user is dbo or not?

    Is there a simple sp that can tell me if the currently logged in user has db_owner rights? We run an app that performs DB changes when necessary, but want to ensure only a member of db_owner performs the changes. VB app runs against sql2000, uses windows authentication. Thanks Paul
  2. paulray

    Best practice to install MSDE2K Data?

    I have a new application in VB that uses MSDE2K and am packaging using Wise Installation System. What is the best way to provide a demo DB for the installation? 1) Backup/Restore script or 2) Create table script and read data from text file, 3) Something better? Thanks
  3. paulray

    MSDE2K and SQL2K DEV co-exist?

    Thanks for getting back to me. The SQL tables are simple, with basic relationships, there are no triggers, but there are some SP's used to query data. We considered Access for the "low end" but prefer to just stay within the SQL framework.
  4. paulray

    MSDE2K and SQL2K DEV co-exist?

    Need to elaborate. Not really looking for MSDE, but SQL Database Engine. (too many names, too many versions). Do I need to run on separate machines to test an app that should run whether SQL2K or SQL2K Engine? Thanks
  5. paulray

    MSDE2K and SQL2K DEV co-exist?

    Read some threads but can't get sure answer if they can co-exist. Running SQL2K-DEV on laptop and want to port/test our app to MSDE2K. Can it be done? Thanks
  6. paulray

    Server 2003 Standard SQL Login Problem

    We have a W2K3 Server (test) hosting a .ASP web site. It makes calls via ODBC to a W2K server hosting SQL2K. W2K3 site requires NT Authentication for login, but seems to be passing Anonymous Login to SQL on it's calls? I have the exact same setup on a .ASP web site running on W2K...
  7. paulray

    Need a little help with a virus...

    Most virii are resident in memory, so even if you remove infected file(s), it will re-appear. Most AV apps suggest 1) take the system off the network 2) run the av software 3) reboot the machine to clear memory You may already be doing this, but just a thought! Paul
  8. paulray

    NetDDE Error?

    Can only remember it had to do with NetBIOS. Sorry, the tech that fixed the problem did not document it and is no longer with us. Good luck. Paul
  9. paulray

    USB 2.0 and SP4

    Try this post sp4 fix for USB 2. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;822568 Hope it helps.
  10. paulray

    How to pass True/False value to a bound Windows Check Box

    There appears to be a problem in passing Boolean values to a Windows Form Checkbox when accessing data via XML Web Services. Note: This problem has been tested with MS-SQL 2000 but not other db's. When you generate a dataset in your web services, VB.NET creates the .xsd for you. In the case of a...
  11. paulray

    How to transfer Stored Procedures

    Creating a new SQL2000 server. Maybe I'm missing something, but how do I transfer Stored Procedures from SQL7 production server? Everything seems to transfer except the SP. Thanks
  12. paulray

    .DLL Variant Array Output to XML

    Thanks, I'll look into it. Paul
  13. paulray

    DLL problems

    Depends on how you are trying to pass the arrays into the dll. Post a code snippet on how you are trying to pass the array(s). I struggled on this for weeks before figuring it out. Maybe I can help you. Paul
  14. paulray

    .DLL Variant Array Output to XML

    I have a COM dll that returns a variant multidimensional array. For example ..data type shown in () aR(0,0) = COMPANY NAME (string) aR(0,1) = COMPANY ADDRESS (string) aR(0,3) = YTD REVENUE (Double) aR(0,4) = MTD REVENUE (Double) aR(0,5) = ACTIVE (Boolean) then aR(1,0) = same for the next client...
  15. paulray

    XP SP1 - HELP

    Check this thread out. thread779-540080 While not SP1 specific, it may help troubleshoot the slow logins. Good luck! Paul
  16. paulray

    New Server - Install SP 3 or 4?

    I concur with Gizmo. If it is a clean install, then SP4 shouldn't be a problem. I have found SP4 causes more problems on Pro workstations than on Server.
  17. paulray

    Any W2K SP4 Issues?

    Many. Check the FAQ section for the fixes that came out as a result of SP4. Paul
  18. paulray

    Best Practice On Server Setup

    Any recommendations on whether it's acceptable to run Domain Server, IIS and MSSQL 7 on same server, or should they be broken out across different machines? Currently Win2K Server and intranet has 7 mixed Win2K/XP clients, and we have another 12 clients that access IIS from internet. Currently...
  19. paulray

    DSN Lookup within network

    I have seen this answered before, but cannot locate the post. We have a web site ie.. http://www.oursite.com. How do we configure IIS so that we can use this URL to view the site from within the network? Right now we can only access it by putting in the ip address of the server.
  20. paulray

    IIS 5.0 on Win2K Server SP4 Badmail problem

    Try this FAQ link for SP4. http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?spid=96&sfid=4052 MS has issued a ton of post-SP4 fixes, maybe one covers your problem. Good luck! Paul

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