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Search results for query: *

  1. BoulderBum

    How Do I Get a File From the Host to the Virtual OS?

    Seriously? I haven't tried yet, but that would be pretty funny. Did I tell you this is pretty much my first day using Virtual Server? :) MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
  2. BoulderBum

    How Do I Get a File From the Host to the Virtual OS?

    Update: I just realized I could access the machine by IP address in Windows Explorer, but I don't want either machine to have a static IP, so it would be a slight hassle to do things that way. Is there a better way? MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
  3. BoulderBum

    How Do I Get a File From the Host to the Virtual OS?

    I'm trying to do something seemingly simple: get a file from my Windows XP laptop to a Windows Server 2003 virtual server running through "Virtual Server 2005 R2" on said Windows XP laptop. I poked around and saw the "Linked Virtual Disk", which seems to be more for copying thing entire...
  4. BoulderBum

    Timesheet page

    I'd ditch the GridView and go with a Repeater. You can set the header template to display Mon-Sun, etc. in HTML table header form, and the ItemTemplate can be crafted to use one cell per data item, which is a week's worth of data sorted by date. The footer template would just close the table...
  5. BoulderBum

    SharePoint 2007 Workflow reports contain no data

    I Googled this problem (because I was having it), and I came across both your post, and a different source that purported to have the solution. Apparently you need to turn "Usage Analysis" on for the workflow reports to function...
  6. BoulderBum

    Displaying image from database issue. Need JPEG, comes as BMP

    Sorry to ask an obvious question, but was the data saved to the database as a .bmp instead of a .jpg? Also, what file extension is used when requesting this dynamic resource? If the data really is in .bmp format, you can load its data up into a .NET Bitmap object and change it either on the fly...
  7. BoulderBum

    Add http header info when calling ws...

    http://mark.michaelis.net/Blog/CallingWebServicesUsingBasicAuthentication.aspx MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
  8. BoulderBum

    Image upload using developer api

    I doubt Flickr would let you have a single account where you upload all of your users' images. They'd almost certainly let you allow your users to interact with their own Flickr accounts, though. You may also want to consider dynamically compressing images as they're uploaded which will cut...
  9. BoulderBum

    Nested Classes, is it possible?

    Are all of these files in a "website project"? There's some funky compiler garbage that may require you to keep all of your code files in the App_Code folder if so. Alternately you can use a "web application project" or a different project for your class files. You may also want to check that...
  10. BoulderBum

    Sound Card - Low Volume

    Luckily, it's open in the back (both in computer compartment and the desk further back), though your comment made me think about how there's probably enough extra components in there that I could use an extra case fan, which I bought and installed over the weekend. Thanks there. Ben, Your...
  11. BoulderBum

    Sound Card - Low Volume

    The design of the desk is actually one the reason I bought it! It maximizes the desk space, while still giving you access to the CD trays: http://www.ifurn.com/xmodels/osullivan/11452.jpg Granted, it takes 5 minutes to get the computer out, but I only do that a few times a year. More than...
  12. BoulderBum

    Media Center Cable Problem

    I have this problem where the cable TV will play for about the first 2 minutes after a reboot, but then fade to static shortly after. Has anyone run into this before? Would a different tuner help? Is the cable company just scrambling the signal? MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
  13. BoulderBum

    View Request SOAP for Web Service..

    Unless the service provider didn't know what they were doing and botched the design of the web service (which is unfortunately fairly common), then you should be able to use strongly typed objects of a proxy instead of having to deal directly with any XML. If you post the WSDL for the service...
  14. BoulderBum

    View Request SOAP for Web Service..

    .NET prevents you from having to do anything so clumsy. By adding a web reference, .NET will generate a proxy that lets you interact with the web service as if it were a strongly typed object. Thus, the code: Dim ws As New myservice ws.webmethod("xx", "xx", "xx", "xx", "xx", "xx") ...will...
  15. BoulderBum

    Securing the Pictures on a website

    While you won't be able to avoid people downloading your images (if they're crafty), you CAN control remote-linking with an HttpHandler so people aren't stealing your bandwidth. In particular, if someone is remote-linking to your images, you can serve a special version that either contains a...
  16. BoulderBum

    Online Catalog Creation - Best Practice?

    dpk136 covered the controls. You can use a GridView if you'd like, or other controls like the DataList or Repeater depending on your needs. As far as "best practices" that dpk136 didn't cover, I'd recommend turning ViewState off for performance, paging for large resultsets, and various caching...
  17. BoulderBum

    View Request SOAP for Web Service..

    It appears version 2 can debug https traffic: http://www.fiddlertool.com/fiddler/version.asp MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications
  18. BoulderBum

    View Request SOAP for Web Service..

    If I remember correctly, you're working with a web service client, correct (you're modifying the code that calls the web service, not the web service itself)? The SoapExtension will only help you if you're modifying the service itself, not the client. Did you check out Fiddler yet...
  19. BoulderBum

    closing connections (sql client)

    I'm not sure what you're getting at, but disposing of the connection will call Close() and closing the connection will have it reclaimed in the connection pool. Out of curiosity, do you know about "using" statements? http://davidhayden.com/blog/dave/archive/2005/01/13/773.aspx MCP, MCTS -...
  20. BoulderBum


    There's nothing wrong with your class (compiles fine for me after adding the Imports you did). Is the compiler error indicating a problem elsewhere in different code? MCP, MCTS - .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications

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