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Search results for query: *

  1. mbdw6708

    Which is the cheapest?

    Corey, Thanks for the tip. Checking it out now, and it looks good. thanx, dave http://www.azconsignment.com
  2. mbdw6708

    Message Board Software

    phpbb.com is a very good discusion board thanks, dave http://azconsignment.com/AboutConsignment.htm
  3. mbdw6708

    Pros and Cons of PayPal?

    I have read about 5 posts and each one has been full of great information. I am currently using paypal but have been wanting to switch. this thread convinced me I need to switch. http://www.azconsignment.com
  4. mbdw6708

    pls suggest a hosting service?

    Try Netfirms.com. $10 a month, SQL, phpBB, and and commerce site all wrapped up together. thanks, dave http://www.azconsignment.com http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  5. mbdw6708

    Which is the cheapest?

    It has been a couple of years since I have posted here. Just wanted to say this has got to be one of the best forums on the net. Great advice, great participation in the forums. I am opening my own commerce site so this has helped me tremendously. Anyone have any experience with oscommerce...
  6. mbdw6708

    starting an e-commerce site

    Try out Netfirms.com. I use Frontpage to publish to it, and Netfirms also has a great e-commerce site built into it. It is super easy compared to some of the other things I have tried. dave http://www.azconsignment.com http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  7. mbdw6708

    Critique my site

    Thanx all for the suggestions. I need to work on them now. Been a bit busy lately but thanks again for all your thoughts. dave http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  8. mbdw6708

    Critique my site

    I created my site as a web portal for supply chain managment/e-business. Please let me know what you think of it and more importantly how I can improve it. thanx, http://www.supplychaintoday.com dave waters
  9. mbdw6708

    position in search result

    Does not matter at all concerning your web host provider, or not what I have seen anyway. Some of the main things to look at is how many sites link to your URL, your meta-tags, your keywords on your homepage, the number of people vising your site, the number of search engines you have...
  10. mbdw6708

    Registering keyword in yahoo or other search engine.

    There are a lot of free services out there for the main websites. Try this URL: http://www.supplychaintoday.com/TechnologyWeb.htm. At the bottom you will find several free submission sources. I would like to see your websites meta tags and know how many sites link to your URL and I can give...
  11. mbdw6708

    E-Commerce start up

    Don't really have too much advice but depending on the size of the site you could really have your hands full. dave http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  12. mbdw6708

    Utopian supply chain

    I would like to know the various tools people would like to have in a supply chain/logistics system. You are starting from scratch so you have a blank canvas. One of the tools I would like to see is complete supply chain visibility into the suppliers supply chain. At all times I would know how...
  13. mbdw6708

    Logistic Initiatives

    I am doing research on various logistic initiatives companies are doing. I would like to hear from vendors of e-business software and other logistic/supply chain professionals on the subject. I have been tasked to head up a logistic initiative that will seriously increase the efficiency of the...
  14. mbdw6708

    Wanting to find a good MS FrontPage webhost

    I will be putting together 3 different websites in the next couple of months. One website I wish to have the ability to expand it into an e-commerce site. The other two sites will primarily be information based. What is a good company that is MS FrontPage friendly and is flexible in the...
  15. mbdw6708

    Increasing the functionality of my e-Business Portal

    I developed a portal for Supply Chain/e-Business initiatives. I wanted to ask what I could do to increase the value of the website. Should I change the format, should I add graphics, should I add more to the Tools category. Any advice would be appeciated. regards dave waters...
  16. mbdw6708

    Implementation process

    Does anyone have a generic implementation process plan for various web based solutions?? dave waters http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  17. mbdw6708

    Does the resolution a web page is built in make a difference?

    If you want the screen to fit to any monitor size you will have to use tables and set them at 100%. Most web pages are set at 800x600 pixels. I have set my webpage so that it adjust to any screen size. People have various opinions on this but you have to do what your customer wants. Dave...
  18. mbdw6708

    hi folks I want to know, why the

    There has been a change of demand. People no longer need the latest and greatest technology. Why do you need a pentium 4 to run Word processing software. The downturn in the economy has caused people to stop buying new computer products. The big companies had a great deal of inventory in...
  19. mbdw6708

    .Net Strategy

    I posted this message on September 5, 2000 and now think people will have a greater opinion on the subject. Any opinions out there?? Dave Waters http://www.supplychaintoday.com
  20. mbdw6708

    P2P trends

    Check out P2P news at this URL: http://www.supplychaintoday.com/p2p_news_and_information.htm The more I read about P2P the more I think it may become the next hot commodity in e-business. dave

Part and Inventory Search
