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Search results for query: *

  1. macleod1021

    Subject:Visual C++ 2008

    If you go under the Visual Studio Tools section within program files, you'll see a "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt". Use that...it sets up all ofyour variables for you. im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  2. macleod1021

    Tips for organizing your IT department

    As far as software and documents, I digitize everything and store them on the network. The originals are either destroyed or filed into a fire-proof storage box (some actually go to the bank safty deposit box). As far as helpdesk software, it depends on what you actually want to do. I've seen...
  3. macleod1021

    exe run bat

    OK...I did some research on the start command. I think you'll be better off running the notepad directly from the createprocess method. Essentially, what you're doing is wrapping the executable with a batch file, then wrapping the batch file with an executable. Just go from executable to...
  4. macleod1021

    Insert New Row and Retuning IDENTITY Value

    Thanks for catching my error Alex...I always forget about that :) im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  5. macleod1021

    Insert New Row and Retuning IDENTITY Value

    In order to get the ID field, create another query right after the insert (before closing the connection) and call Select @@IDENTITY that will return the identity created in the previous insert statement for that particular connection. im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  6. macleod1021


    I've never actually attempted to do this, but I did find this thread on another board. It might be helpful to you http://fixunix.com/os2/44839-can-i-draw-bitmap-wc_static-window.html im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  7. macleod1021

    exe run bat

    I'm not sure which file it's looking for, but what I always recommend people to do when they run into this problem is fire up Process Monitor. It's a free utility from microsoft that will allow you to see what resources your application are calling at run time and where the application is...
  8. macleod1021

    Cannot Connect To CRM 3.0

    Within your IIS management tool, does it show the CRM site running? If not, see if it'll start. If it doesn't, check the event log for clues as to why. It sounds like the web services for CRM are either missing or turned off...but it could be something else. Also, if these items don't help...
  9. macleod1021

    exe run bat

    You should use the CreateProcess function. I'm not real familiar with FoxPro syntax, so I googled "CreateProcess FoxPro" and came up with a bunch of hits, this one was at (or near) the top. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q153904/ im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  10. macleod1021

    Programmer career tree

    Yeah, I wouldn't worry about a job title. If the company doesn't have one, then that means they probably don't put a lot of stock into titles. I personally don't either :). 9 times out of 10, if someone asks me what my title is, I make up some nice sounding BS and feed it to them. One time I...
  11. macleod1021

    Sql 2005 Question

    Check other applications to see if it installed a copy of SQLExpress 2005 (Visual Studio does for sure). im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  12. macleod1021

    Reflection Legalities

    AHHHHHHH....now THAT makes sense! im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  13. macleod1021

    SSMS License Needed?

    No, the client is just a way to access the server. You will have to make sure you have enough CAL's for each of the servers. The cals are for individual connections (including web connections). im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  14. macleod1021

    Programmer career tree

    Chance...unfortunately, moving to management (in my opinion) takes you out of development. There's so much more you have to deal with and can't keep up with the technologies (that's what your staff is for). If you're not seeing a path ahead of you in management, then I would consider moving back...
  15. macleod1021

    shortcut key

    Great...if you have any problems, let us know. im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  16. macleod1021

    To Close Text File or Not To Close

    Can I get you to call my wife and talk to her???? :) im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  17. macleod1021

    Stored Procedure runs slow, but same code in query window runs fast.

    Well...you might want to provide a copy of the SP and the code you're using. Kinda hard to look at nothing :) One thing you can do is run Profiler and see exactly what's being sent to the server. That typically helps tremendously when find performance problems. im in ur stakz, overflowin ur heapz!
  18. macleod1021

    Programmer career tree

    Thats a great article (I forwarded it to some friends). However it's not the one I read :(. The one I had was more about managers dealing with the fact that there's really only 2 choices for a good developer...quit or move in to management. I just went through my sent items on my msn account and...
  19. macleod1021

    shortcut key

    I'm assuming you're using MFC...if that's the case, this snippet should help BOOL CMyDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if(pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) { // do keydown processing here } return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } You'll need to put in code to determine what keys...
  20. macleod1021

    Reflection Legalities

    Interesting point Chip. I wasn't aware of that restriction on running MS assemblies through ILDASM. Not that I'm contributing to any open-source projects atm, but still interesting. I wonder if they plan to put something in ILDASM to track/report useage to monitor this???? im in ur stakz...

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