We have had to change our Administrator password on our Domain. When we re-booted the citrix servers we get errors in the event viewer that says "The server running Metaframe Presentation server failed to connect to the Data Store IMA_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED. Invalid database user name or password...
I am sure this topic has been posted before but i can't find it.... :-(
We have got a windows 2000 server and the C drive is getting full. I have deleted all of the tmp files and moved the page file but could still do with finding some more space. Any idea what else i could delete safely as...
We haver something installed called pimphony which is something to do with our switchboard and it Integrates with outlook. How it works is if someones calls you that is in your contacts folder there contact details are displayed on the screen. Is there a way you can turn this feature off in outlook?
I keep getting a message that says:-
a program is trying to access outlook do you want to give access to it and then give me a time scale of 1 to 15 minutes. Has anyone come accross this? if so can you please let me know as it's driving me mad.
This is the log from last nights backup:-
Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Daily Exchange Database Backup"
Backup of "ROBINSON02\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group"
Backup set #1 on media #1
Backup description: "Daily Exchange...
Never thought of looking in the event log but have done that now and all looks ok with no errors. It shows the NT Backup starting and then showing which database its backing up and the finishing Successfully. Nothing about clearing out the old logs
You have pointed me in the right direction and i have found the solution for this problem. It's to do with Virusscan 8 we have installed on our server. You need to exclude beserver.exe from the Access Protection Properties on Port 25. Please see Veritas Document ID 277305. ;-)
We are using Veritas Version 9.1 Rev 4691 and we use the Notification Task to mail me to say if the job has been completed or not etc. This was working fine until a few months ago when i stopped getting notified of any problems. I have been onto the Veritas web site and downloaded the upto date...
We are backing up our Exchange Database (Information store) using NTBackup which runs on a scheduled task every night.The problem that we are having is that the log files (E000XXX.LOG) are not getting cleared out after the backup has completed and our disk free space is shrinking. If we open the...
thanks for that but it doesn't give any info about a scheduled backup removing the logfiles from exchange. this is how we back our exchange database up now using a scheduled NTBackup but this doesn't remove the logfile automatically but if we run one on the fly the logfile go...
We are backing up our Exchange Database using NTBackup which is working fine. The only problem that we have is that the log files are not getting cleared out after the backup has completed. The Backup is scheduled to run every night and it backs up to a file on the server which in turn is backup...
This is the log information i am getting from NTBackup. The logfiles have now gone and a BIG Yipeee for that :-) the only thing i did different was to was to alter the backup log to detailed from summary? We are going to run this backup on a nightly basis so i take it the logfiles will be...
At long last we have got a backup of the Microsoft Information Store using NTBackup yipeeee :-) we have backed it up to a file on the server but we still have about 25gig with of logfiles called E000XXX.LOG i thought the backup might get rid of them for us but it didn't :-( can anyone please...
I have run the Exchange Cd and clicked on the Exchange Server setup. It brings a menu up and we have got three ticks as the side of Microsoft Exchange + Microsoft Exchange Messaging Collaboration Services and also Microsoft Exchange Sytem Management Tools. i think the tool are install???? with...
To use the NTBackup on the exchange box do i need to stop the exchange services? where would i get the Exchange admin utils loaded from? i have tried stopping all of the Exchange services but to no avail i am affraid to say :-(
Not sure about the "ESEUTIL" on a friday night i dont think the mrs...
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