PoE is not the issue. When this all started we hought about the PoE allocation also. What we have done is disabled PoE on all the switch ports and put bricks at every location. Seems to be a fix that really was not the issue. The reboots have continued.
I have a Toshiba system that is acting very strangely. When we unplug and plug back an IP5122 telephone into the switch all the phones on the IPU card where that phone resides reboot. I am an dedicated Avaya person and would be able to find this easily if it was on a CLAN. But the Toshiba is...
I have a Toshiba system that is acting very strangely. When we unplug and plug back an IP5122 telephone into the switch all the phones on the IPU card where that phone resides reboot. I am an dedicated Avaya person and would be able to find this easily if it was on a CLAN. But the Toshiba is...
I have a Toshiba system that is acting very strangely. When we unplug and plug back an IP5122 telephone into the switch all the phones on the IPU card where that phone resides reboot. I am an dedicated Avaya person and would be able to find this easily if it was on a CLAN. But the Toshiba is...
Your voicemail is determined by hours of storage, not by number of mailboxes. You can check this by going to:
Customer Services/Administration
System Verification
Verify System Status
This will give you purchased hours and purchased ports.
Also, go under the...
Here is the solution we came up with.
x4600 is the number now pointing to the attendant as a LDN.
We move that to a virtual extension with coverage to the attd. We set the cover path with the attd to termin to coverage points with bridged app. to y.
We also put bridged app. on x4610 for...
On the TN circuit boards there is a dip switch on the board that needs to be set. The default setting is for T1 here in the states. If you are setting up E1 that switch needs to be flipped. On a MM710 board I am unsure about a dip switch. But I can find out. Maybe someone on this board can...
Your set up shows a bit rate of 1.544. Your question said you were setting up E1. That bit rate should be set to 2.048. This will require a dip switch setting on you circuit card
The problem phone is currently running the latest firmware. The phones that we have that work fine are running R2.8 We suspect there may be an issue the 2.9 firmware. We have Avaya tier 3 now looking at it.
What we want the phone to do, and we have this working other locations, is to be able to have a user move their phone to a new location without having to know the passwcode for logging it in and out.
We have a location that is having problems moving IP phones from one location to another. The resolution is that they have to log out the phone and then log it back in after moving. We have other location where we do not have to perform this. When the phone is moved (without logging it out)...
I think the issue of the modem going may be closer to the mark. I dial into so many systems and it is happening to all of them. I also have tried rebooting. That did not solve my issue. I worked beautiful until we have done a recent upgraded to our Definty system that I am off of.
...appearance with my modem extension on my telephone. I used to be able to place a call and have the user on the legend system transfer me to *10. I would then hit the connect on the SPM and was able to connect. Now it is acting like the modems are not handshaking. I can hear both trying to...
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