Thank you all for your great suggestions. I ended up removing all network protocols, then removing my network card, and rebooting. I inserted 98 disk and installed necessary files and all seems to be good now. Thanks again....Have a good day...
Hi all,
I have resolved the problem with the error messages by actually reinstalling win 98se but now I am getting "vnetbios.vxd" file is corrupt or missing error message. Is this the bios file?? Any suggestions??? Thanks again..
I have a win 98 os and when I try to boot up system I get error message "C:\windows\DBLBUFF.SYS AND C:\windows\IFSHLP.SYS" are missisng or corrupt. The os never completes loading. Several viruses were removed from the pc by a friend, I know just enough to be dangerous...Does anyone have any...
Hello all,
I am using crystal reports 10, my data sources are 1 table from Access db and several tables from sql server. Tables are linked by patient ID number. The report gives a list of patients, grouped by building name/number, then grouped by patient ID number, current account balance. When...
Hi all,
I am using cr 10 to generate an Otime report, exporting report to text file, then importing into Access db. But when I export the report to .txt file not all the data is exported.
LastName FirstName Department Title Hours
Bond James...
Thanks Madawc, it was null values..I realized that this morning after I checked posting...I know I was not very clear about what I was doing b/c I was not clear on what I was have been thrown into this job so I am having to learn on the know what I mean....Thank you again...
I hope someone can help me with this little problem I am having...well actually it is a question. Does anyone know if it is possible to use an Excel spreadsheet as a data source? I have an otime report that is now being pulled from a db2 and it is a very complicated process. I want to simplify...
Is this too simple of a problem to warrant replies???? I know it is something very simple I am overlooking, but I am new to crystal and I am not a programmer....I am easily confused in other words....need help...please..Thanks...Steve
lost again..I want my report to display transactions for our general revenue fund or for specific client(using SID#). The GRevenue fund sid# =0. The user will generate the grevenue(0) report most often so I have parameter to default to 0. I am trying to display in gh1 the name of client if a...
[thumbsup]...don't know why I made that so hard...Thanks for all your help...It finally sank into this thick head what you had been trying to explain all the time..."selection formula" now works...Have a great day and Thanks again....
Well since I have started working with cr, it's total confusion on a daily basis for me...[dazed]..I have the report grouped on the strBuildingName using the formula to (I thought..) pull only the clients from the nursing homes. I am not sure I know what you mean by the selection formula..[dazed]
I am using the formula in the gh1 section:
Admit Name Admit Date
Client ID Number
this lists every client in each nursing home, then the financial statement is listed with a beginning and ending balance. In the detail section I have each transaction date and revenue code for...
Thanks for replying so quickly... I am sorry I am so confused, I left out important info...We have six different nursing homes, so I had to write if statements for each. We have some clients that have not been assigned any unit until they have been evaluated and can be placed. I tried to...
I am using crystal reports 10 and need a report that will return all clients from each nursing home. I am using the following if then else statement:
IF {TrustClient.LevelOfCare}="078" or {TrustClient.LevelOfCare}="69" THEN
Else IF {TrustClient.LevelOfCare}="031" Then...
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