lost again..I want my report to display transactions for our general revenue fund or for specific client(using SID#). The GRevenue fund sid# =0. The user will generate the grevenue(0) report most often so I have parameter to default to 0. I am trying to display in gh1 the name of client if a sid# other than o is entered, if sid# 0 is entered I want name of client to display in detail section. To do this I have used 2 subreports;
The reference# used in the sub is the same as the SID but in the grevenue database it was used instead of SID#. The report will work if I enter a sid other than o, but if I enter 0, I get error message "The string is non-numeric" and it goes to record selection formula editor. This is the formula:
{TrustClient.Client}=tonumber ({PmTrustTransaction.Reference})
The report is grouped by revenue code which includes numbers and dep,wd,etc.
Parameter Code;
{TrustTransaction.TransactionDate}>={?start date} and
{TrustTransaction.TransactionDate}<={?end date} and
The reference# used in the sub is the same as the SID but in the grevenue database it was used instead of SID#. The report will work if I enter a sid other than o, but if I enter 0, I get error message "The string is non-numeric" and it goes to record selection formula editor. This is the formula:
{TrustClient.Client}=tonumber ({PmTrustTransaction.Reference})
The report is grouped by revenue code which includes numbers and dep,wd,etc.
Parameter Code;
{TrustTransaction.TransactionDate}>={?start date} and
{TrustTransaction.TransactionDate}<={?end date} and