Thanks. DBCA does not exist in Express. I am doing it on my own computer to try a new process.
I want to see how to copy a database(Express version) from another machine to my machine without reinstall.
And my machine needs to have db_1, or db_2, or db_3 depends on what I need.
What is the...
I need to drop and create database in Oracle10g Express version.
I have to deininstall and install Oracle Express in order to achieve this.
Can I drop and create database in Oracle Express? How to do it?
Thank you.
I need to import all objects in "scott" schema from DB1 to DB2, I need all objects, including table definiations, constraints, stored functions/packages and etc, everything in this schema except data. I do not need any data from any table, not a single row.
Can I do this in sqlplus?
Thanks to everybody for your time.
Santa, "set timing on" helps. but if the data is already in cache, and I run my new method using same dataset, the result will not be accurate. What do you think?
Dagon, materialized view will not work for my situation because the data is dynamic for each...
...the performance dramatically.
My question is:
How do I compare the performance result?
Here is what I want:
explain plan for
select * from vw_big where id =11;
select plan_table_output from table(dbms_xplan.display());
after I change:
explain plan for
I want to check if a table(table_a) will be used in next 2 months and who is using it.
Here is what I want to do:
create a trigger on select on table_a
insert into table_log(sysdate, user,sql_text);
But trigger can not be created on select, How can I achieve this?
Thank you
oper VARCHAR2(30);
sql_text ora_name_list_t;
obj_name VARCHAR2(100);
v_owner VARCHAR2(100);
/* if table/column name is more than 28 byte, send email to DBAs to
reduce the size
This trigger is only for DEV...
Oracle allow table name length to 30 and column name length to 30.
I need to limit the table name and column name size to 27 for any new tables and new columns in my database.
Can I write a trigger on create table and new column to check the size? How can I do it?
Thank you in advance.
I want to add a index to a large table
table_1(state_code, customer_num, other_col)
I want to add an index like :
ON table_1(state_code, customer_num)
TABLESPACE base_index ;
As you know, state_code is only 52, but this table has billions of rows...
Thanks to everybody for your help.
I tried all your suggestions and none of them worked for my case.
Then I read Oracle Database Installation Guide:
"2.4.1 Installing Oracle Database on DHCP Computers"
and installed Loopback Adapter
Now it works without any problem.
Thank you again.
Hello, I got answer from Oracle metalink, it says that "the schema document is not well formed". and the document is fixed now.
Thank you very much. this can be closed.
I am exploring SQL/XML in 10g. I found this article is very helpful for me:
So I followed the instruction and practice on my local machine(local personal 10g database).
It workded fine until I got stuck here:
two times.
I could not open Database control URL from first install after reboot my machine, I thought I missed something during installation, so I deleted all files I could from db_1 folder(there is no way to uninstall). Then I installed again(which is db_2 folder). Then I still can not open...
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