GreenScreen" Scripts still working (Mint). Only changes
required were those relating to unx/screen field changes.
Tried VB Scripts, but found them too slow.
Use Mincoms Connector Functionality with a number of data loads from Excel/VBA , Word and have succesfully loaded data from Lotus Notes...
...In addition to your other subroutines
/*note the sequence of the redisplay of MSM20DA is:
/*and as you press <enter> after the 2nd Validate it should take you to next...
Running on IBM
We have done archiving with the Journal Holding,Suppliers,Customers,Invoices,Stock Codes,Payroll.
Performance does improve, but really dependant upon amount of data/records you are holding
But you really are caught between a rock and a hard place with some of the modules.
G'Day all. We are cuurently "testing" Ellipse and as the main writer of Scripts, was keen to check it out. On advice from 2 Mincom Techos(thanks guys) was advised to use msqmui.exe and not msqlnh.exe(nightmare stuff). Effectively emulates a back end session(we are running on an OS390)...
Does anyone out there have a "GUI" Script that acesses the MSM000B Screen. I can get them to work in SmartGUI but not in Ellipse. Directing control to another Screen is temporary as,for some reason, the Script keeps returning to MSM000B and does not remain on the screen that it has...
Thanks for all the replies....having moved on a little since first posing the question, I am now aware of a number of options
1. Green Screen and Imint
2. GUI Scripting
3. Scripting via Connector(VB etc)
All of which will satisfy my needs in this area
Thanks again
Thanks for the quick response "dawnd3"....
In reply
1. I would assume that if the temporary file is created in the "10gig" drive , that it is the drive the compaction is working with.I have a wander around the settings to see if I can find any other clues...
2. Using Access...
Problem.....1.3 gig database....approx 10gig available disk space. Run the compact option..gets almost all the way thru(temporary database is same size as original), and then "falls over" with an insufficient disk space error.
Any ideas??
We have legitimate reasons for having that many Suppliers and we have Archived. Since my query we have developed a method that solves the problem very well.
I have an application (no VB) that automatically goes through a series of steps before reaching a MSFlexGrid where I need to read the data so that I can determine whether or not I can proceed with the process depending on the contents of the FlexGrid......any ideas would be much appreciated.
I have an Input Form with a Date field which is formatted with Input Date Mask(00/00/00;0;_). When submitted, it runs a query.
The field that I'm querying is a date field.
My question is - What is the format of the Criteria in the Query?
I currently have it as [Forms]![PPER]![PPE] which is not...
Thanks SKO....on rereading my post, got the form names a tad mixed up so my apologies if that was confusing.
Form(FormX) READ Form(FormY)
Form(FormY) READ Form(FormX)
and for
Command Button, on FormY
Command Button, on FormX
All that aside, I decided to take a different approach...
I have a Form(FormX) which is based on a Query, which in turn gets parameter data from another Form(FormY) a la -
If I have an Command Button, on FormY, that actions Requery, I get the parameter box with the description -...
Thanks for all the suggestions. As I've set the OnClick to run a Macro, all I did was to append 2 SetValue instructions to the macro after the OpenQuery instruction.
The SetValue resets the Input Boxes on the original form back to "" and (so far ) that seems to work fine.
Thanks again
Many thanks Rick. Shall give it a try. You reply also gave me some other clues on using SetValue in the macro event associated with On Click.
Thanks again, much appreciated
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