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Search results for query: *

  1. IknowMe

    Attachemate Macros To Excel & Back To Attachmate

    My guess is opening the macro file in excel has added some formating the compiler doesn't like when your trying to open the modified macro file. There could be other formatting issues beyond just the change to tabbing your seeing. Maybe try opening a new macro and then cut and pasting the code...
  2. IknowMe

    Which is the left side?

    Port? Hopefully there's some left. Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with the wolves. You've got to dive into the ocean and fight with the sharks. Or just treat yourself to a delicious hot...
  3. IknowMe

    Send key for ctrl 5

    Have you looked at your keyboard map to see what command is mapped to Ctrl+5? It should give you the literal command for what your attempting to simulate. For example to turn my page the "<Transmit>" call does the trick, although it is mapped to several key combinations on my Key Mapping. try...
  4. IknowMe

    Maximum array size

    Assuming Extra Basic. Array subscript is limited to the scope of the integer Data Type which ranges from -32768 to 32767. dim arr(32768) as variant Produces the same result your expieriencing when overflowing the integer. Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture...
  5. IknowMe


    Saw a funny quote that made me think of MAI. "If you think writing in the proper tense is difficult now, just wait until time travel was possible." ~Unknown Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run...
  6. IknowMe

    can this code be improved

    That may not be remotely close to what your attempting, but it's what I got from the original post. With further explanation I can be of further help. I hope :-) Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to...
  7. IknowMe

    can this code be improved

    Sub Main Dim Make(3) as String Dim Color(3) as String Make(0) = "Car" Make(1) = "Truck" Make(2) = "SUV" Color(0) = "Red" Color(1) = "White" Color(2) = "Blue" Begin Dialog dlgOptions 285, 19, 184, 90, "Selection Dialog Box" OkButton 130...
  8. IknowMe

    CASL: using winstring and track statements

    As your page indicator is the first thing to paint to the screen the location is irrelevant. Replace "page indicator text here" with the literal your watching for and the following should work. x = 1 while x = 1 watch for "page indicator text here": alert "do something",ok:end endwatch...
  9. IknowMe

    Keying into proprietary IE based application

    Check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms531073(VS.85).aspx Sub Main() Dim objShell as object, objIE as object Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") Dim d As Object 'HTMLDocument objIE.Visible = True objIE.navigate...
  10. IknowMe

    The Lexicographer's Dilemma

    I'm okay with being corrected as it helps me learn. Just don't keep score, I hate to lose. ;-) Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with the wolves. You've got to dive into the ocean and fight...
  11. IknowMe

    Keying into proprietary IE based application

    Sub Main Dim objShell as object, objIE as object Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.navigate ("google.com") while objIE.busy msgbox "waiting for app to load" wend objShell.AppActivate "Google - Microsoft Internet...
  12. IknowMe

    Detemine which variables add up to a pre-determined sum and report?

    http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.excel.misc&tid=f8e1365e-961e-44f6-ab69-6e527f6f1579&cat=en_US_34a4dcef-6aac-414e-9881-2ba33de8be2f&lang=en&cr=US&sloc=&p=1 Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You...
  13. IknowMe

    Detemine which variables add up to a pre-determined sum and report?

    You sure this isn't a homework assignment? Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with the wolves. You've got to dive into the ocean and fight with the sharks. Or just treat yourself to a delicious...
  14. IknowMe

    read cointuous rows write into screen

    Search this forum for 'Excel' and you'll find many examples. Put an attempt together and we'll help you work out the problems. Let us know what language you plan on writing in. If your just reading from Excel you could be okay using Extra for anything more I'd recomend using VBA. Sometimes you...
  15. IknowMe

    Write text to specific Excel cells using CASL

    You'll want to look at languages more robust than casl to populate excel. There are some good VBA examples in this forum showing how to set up screen objects and manipulate both attatchmate and excel. Aside from that I'd say the best way to do what your attempting on a limited basis with casl...
  16. IknowMe

    ATM Slang

    Probably some form of SMS slang. ??!!? WTF LOL, U GOTZ NO CA$H Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with the wolves. You've got to dive into the ocean and fight with the sharks. Or just treat...
  17. IknowMe

    Open an existing Read Only Excel document

    Or you could set the property of S:\Dan\folder\file.xls to read only to begin with and avoid the whole mess. This is a simple right click on the file choose properties and check the read only box. Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get...
  18. IknowMe

    Open an existing Read Only Excel document

    Okay ignore my former post, it appeared to be working as I had a non visible copy of the workbook open so subsequent opens were ReadOnly by default. It spawned the following idea however. Sub Main Dim xlDummy as Object Dim xlApp as Object Dim xlWkbkDummy as Object Dim...
  19. IknowMe

    Open an existing Read Only Excel document

    set ObjWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open ("S:\Dan\folder\file.xls") If not ObjWorkbook.ReadOnly then objWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess Mode:=xlReadOnly, WritePassword:="admin" end if xlApp.Visible = True Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta...
  20. IknowMe

    Help!!! PC quicker than answer from terminal

    SomeTestBool = YourScreenObject.WaitForString("REQ:") Will hold until system timeout value is reached or your screen is painted with "REQ:" returns bool Sometimes you gotta leave your zone of safety. You have to manufacture Inspirado. You gotta get out of the apartment. You've got to run with...

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