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Search results for query: *

  1. gcaluna13

    That Polygonal Lasso Tool

    Oh wait, You would have had to click to the left of the history box before you begin. Got it now.
  2. gcaluna13

    That Polygonal Lasso Tool

    Sam- If you look at that monster tutorial (your first exapmle), go to the portion of the video where he talks about the history brush and adding the background back into the image. Mine just erases the image of that layer (like the erase tool -monster fades revealing background from castle...
  3. gcaluna13

    That Polygonal Lasso Tool

    Thanks for the tutorial Sam. Good extraction tool tips. He's no Donnie Hoyle with that sense of humor of his, but he gives a good demonstration. What are the key differences between using "mask" and "filter / extract" ?
  4. gcaluna13

    That Polygonal Lasso Tool

    Thanks. Well at least I'm not going crazy and other people have the same issues. Can you give me a brief description on how to use quik mask the way I'm requesting it? also, it that opposed to a slow mask or fine mask? How do you enter quik mask?
  5. gcaluna13

    That Polygonal Lasso Tool

    Hi all, CS/3 ~ When I'm slowly tracing contours of an object, the screen wigs out on me. Why? Example: I'm outlining a football, going very slow so as to create the perfect football shape (hate the pen tool - rather lasso and create a new object). Anyhow, if I trace the football quickly, no...
  6. gcaluna13

    Color Changing from one to another

    They might be able to help as well, but I'm currently working with PS3.
  7. gcaluna13

    Color Changing from one to another

    1. I create a square, and color it "Pantone Solid Color 3015" 2. Next, I create text with the same color, so I'm to assume because I didn't go back into the color library. 3. Just for S..t's and giggles, (while I'm in text mode) to make sure that my text is exactly the same color as my square...
  8. gcaluna13

    roll-overs aimed at various locations on index page

    Thanks Greg, but being new (and having purchased Dreamweaver because it creates the code automatically - I'm in no way, shape or form, a software person) I wouldn't have a clue where, how, why -to add code in my design. Isn't there some drag and drop function or button that can assist? Gary
  9. gcaluna13

    roll-overs aimed at various locations on index page

    Hi, I'm relatively new to dreamweaver so type slowly... I have my layout with images in certain cells that make up my entire 800x600 index page so far. I know how to make a roll-over appear for something like: 1. "Welcome" (small font - dimly lit) 2. roll-over it and it becomes- "WELCOME"...
  10. gcaluna13

    Color Scheme

    Thank You Andrew. That covers everything. Gary
  11. gcaluna13

    RAW - in a nutshell

    Can someone explain (grade school level - 1st grade, matter of fact) why the pro's use camera RAW ? Being a pretty good PS'er, I feel like I can pretty much do anything I want with jpg's / bmp's / psd's etc... Please explain what it buys me to use my camera in RAW mode for PS use? What is my...
  12. gcaluna13

    Color Scheme

    Thank You Andrew, very informative, but your reply only raises more questions. What is spot vs. Cyan, Yel, Mag, Blk? Do printers (being print press professionals, not my Epson) use spot AND cymk? What is paper coated with? Or for that matter, is Uncoated paper a process in which something is...
  13. gcaluna13

    Pausing the lasso tool too long for detail work

    Hi, I never noticed this prior to CS3... When I use my lasso tool to create a curved region to simulate a semi-circle around an object (logo for instance) I get this "white-out mode" where the entire image goes away. I'm left with my lasso lines on a white background and my complete design...
  14. gcaluna13

    Color Scheme

    If someone tells you they use color: PMS 423 ... What does that translate to in PS3's color library? Pantone Color bridge Pantone Metallic Coated Pantone Pastel Coated Pantone Process Coated Pantone Process Uncoated Pantone Solid Coated Pantone Solid Matte Pantone Solid to Process Coated Euro...
  15. gcaluna13

    Pretty Form Picture Missing

    Hi All, I just made a Form using LiveCycle that included a pretty background and appropriate user input boxes. It's a simple 1 page questionnaire. I included a "submit by email" button to myself for testing purposes. My 2 Questions: 1. I get a file in my email that looks something like this -...
  16. gcaluna13

    It came with my Creative Suite 3

    Hi Folks, This isn't exactly an Indesign question, but I'm not sure if there is a forum for the extras that came with my Adobe CS3 bundle. It's about Livecycle forms... If anyone knows the answer it would be much appreciated. I created a form with an email button that, once filled out...
  17. gcaluna13

    Red Line - Easy One

    Yes light pink. Problem solved. thanks Andrew.
  18. gcaluna13

    Red Line - Easy One

    What does the red highlight text bar mean behind my new text? I get that once in awhile... Is my font installed? Thanks in advance, G
  19. gcaluna13

    Color Mode

    CS3 Thanks again! G.
  20. gcaluna13

    Color Mode

    Thank you much Andrew. Did you know where the setting is to make it start up (as in creating a new document) automatically as RGB instead of CMYK? Mine is set to CMYK and I really need to save as bitmap for 3rd party software graphics packages. The most widely used and accepted file import for...

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