Hi Randva,
I really don't think that this question is relevant to this thread. I would recommend that you start a new thread for this topic.
Steven Yvinec-Kruyk
Ubisoft Canada
For those of you who may be interested i have found a clean work around to address this ( keep in mind i am using MAS 90/200 3.71)
For a standalone installation of the ODBC driver i use version 3.33 of the ODBC driver available on the Providex site (http://www.pvx.com)
Normally on a clean...
hvns ... i am encountering the same issue as you ... I have tried many different ways , but crystal will just not let me print a clean page with the terms ... it is still always printing the page headers and footers for every page including the terms. Haven't had time to play with it much in the...
Currently we have certain invoices that we print to PDF and send via email to customers.
For physical invoices we have the terms and conditions pre-printed on the back of the invoice paper being used.
I would like to be able to add a second page to the report in crystal that would always print...
Currently we have certain invoices that we print to PDF and send via email to customers.
For physical invoices we have the terms and conditions pre-printed on the back of the invoice paper being used.
I would like to be able to add a second page to the report in crystal that would always print...
...Timeout: 0
Step 3 - Querying MAS:
Now you can simply use an OPENQUERY to your new SQL Express server for all queries directed at MAS.
(basically i start all my queries with the;
...2. Setup MAS as a "Linked Server"
3(A). Direct all your MAS targetted queries to the newly setup SQL Express server using OPENQUERY ie. SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(MAS371,'SELECT * FROM IM1_InventoryMasterFile')
3(B). To make things even simpler you can setup a DB in SQL Express and make a view...
We are currently running MAS 90/200 version 3.71 , I have been using the Providex 3.33 Local ODBC driver which i obtained from the Providex website.
There are 2 users for which i do not want to install the MAS workstation , however an inhouse application they use sometimes needs to query MAS...
I have created a VI Import job to repopulate IM_04 , The job works fine except for Customer or Vendor Numbers which contain characters that are not numeric (Letters)in these cases the first 2 characters are truncated.
ie. if Customer number is "0110899" import works fine
ie. if customer number...
Ive been working with a reseller based in New Jersey ... They are one of the pioneers for EDI integration with MAS 200 .... they are called BtoB Visions , and make a product called BtoB link works great and much safer to use than VI.
Steven Yvinec-Kruyk
Currently having a small problem with my new implementation of MAS ...
We have just upgraded our implementation of MAS to a new server ... running Windows Server 2003 R2 (32bit) which runs fine ... We have a datamart running SQL 2000 which pulls data from MAS via the Providex ODBC driver .
Its because of things like this that MAS drives me nuts sometimes . ;) Glad you got your issue resolved.
Steven Yvinec-Kruyk
Ubisoft Canada
Unfortunatly im not using version 4 yet ... just upgrading now from 3.61 to 3.71 .... So we don't have the same version of the driver ... I will see if i can find any more info for you .. I have a call schedule with my vendor tomorrow morning , i will run the question by him.
Just thought this might help its from the MAS documentation , I created my silent connect DSN using these steps ... Maybe steps 12 and 13 may be of particular interest in your case.
Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions
MAS 90 and MAS 200 Crystal Reports Manual
Creating a Silent Connect DSN...
Thanks for the heads up BigLouie ... the reason i was aware of this beforehand was simply because , i believe this is the statement you have had to repeat the most in this forum , and i have seen it many times ;) (Mostly in the context of VI)
Proceeding with the upgrade of the Providex ODBC...
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