It is already set to 7100, but that shouldn't matter because we are not using the General Mailbox 9991, we have set up our own mailbox on 68 to receive messages that come in when people hit 0 or time out at the menu.
I'm trying to get our console phone (ext 7100) to light up when there is a message in mailbox 68 (there is no phone on ext 68, it's just a calling group). Instead it lights up when there is a message in the general mailbox (9991).
I have set Extensions > GRP Calling > Messages > 68 > 7100
I have a partner 34d that I am taking out and replacing with a 4424LD+. I have unplugged the line that was going to the 34d from the ETR board and plugged it into the GS/LS-ID board. What else do I need to do?
I just purchase a 4424LD+ from ebay and was surprised to find that when I plug it I get dial-tone, but no display on the screen. What can I do to check that the screen is operational?
We have a calling group 69 that is a most idle queue with two people in it.
69 overflows to 774 which includes 5 people in a linear queue.
If someone calls 69 and somebody is accidentally logged in, but not at their desk it will ring 6 times before going to the next person. If the next...
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