Hi Tim,
Thanks for the reply.But i didnt get your point exactly.I want to give the user to option to pass parameter. So report shuld be dynamic. Second script you ar talking about is calling from the front end application?
Pls give me a clear idea.
I am a bigginer in cognos-impromptu.I would like to know the answers to following questions.
What I am looking for is one of my front end application developed in .NET need an interface to allow the users to create some basic reports based on the search conditions entered by the user. I...
I am a bigginer in cognos-impromptu.I would like to know the answers to following questions.
What I am looking for is one of my front end application developed in .NET need an interface to allow the users to create some basic reports based on the search conditions entered by the user. I...
I am trying to generate a csv file using BCP command. Its done using an SP.I am passing filename,servername,username,password dynamically in sp
SET @vc_SQL = 'bcp '+ 'JES_USER_DETAILS ' + ' out ' + @in_vcFILENAME + ' -S ' +@in_vcSERVERNAME + ' -U' +@in_vcUSERNAME+'...
I am creating an impromptu report . I am using a a complicated query. So i have written the query in sql server and pasted the query in the report profiler sql option of a new report. Once i paste the query filtering option is disabled.I want to create a prompt need to filter based on this...
If i am saving the reports as excel and giving it to the user...what will happen if there is a prompt in the report?
For eg i am using a prompt for start date and end date .If i am saving the report as excel and giving to the user...user can see only the report for that particular date...
I am a beginner in Cognos Imprompt reports. I have just created some simple reports with defalut extension .IMR
How is it possible to get an .Exe file for the same? I didnt see any compile option in it just like crystal reports. How the people who does not have impromptu installed in their...
i tried to compile again using the distribute after option.But its giving me error 'Distribution expert not installed.'Actually its there in my m/c.So i tried another option in under report menu option 'report disribution expert'using this i copied the database files and dll into the...
I am using crystal version 8.5 and compiler is available in my machine.I compiled the report and copied the rpt,crf and exe file into another machine in which crystal is not installed.But exe is not working in that machine but its working fine in my machine.Do i need to copy any shared DLL...
Is it necessary to install crystal reports software to run the exe? Usually we can run the exe without installing the software.All crystal reports working fine in my system since crystal is installed in my m/c.I send both crf and exe and rpt files to the client they are not able to run the...
i am using a subreport in the main report and main report is grouped by a field machine name.Based on the machine name group subreport is printing the required data.That works fine.
NOw my issue is i need to print only one record in one page.That is one page should contain only one machine...
I am creating a bar graph in crystal,individual bar is a formula field like @average,@duration like that.In each bar it is displaying label as @average,@duration.Is there any way that i can remove this average symbol from the each bar label..
Pls anyone can help me
I am grouping my report based on one Time field and using a drill down .When user clicks on time it will display the drill down with datails regarding particular call in that time.To get the headings in drill down i moved the main report summary details in the group header to group footer...
Hi synapsevampire ,
Thanks for the reply.I have one more query.I am grouping my report based on Time field in the above mentioned mail and using a drill down .When user clicks on time it will display the drill down with datails regarding particular call in that time.To get the headings in drill...
I am working on one crystal report. I have 3 fields call statetime and time in state. For the field "Time in state" i need to write a formula which should be time difference between two successful columns
records are like this
I tried by two ways
1: (a)Right click table->selecting DTs import export wizard
(b) source of import selected as dbase 5,selected the dbase file
(c)destination one table in sql server with same fields
getting the error
"Microsoft jet database engine external table is not in...
I am trying to import dbase files into SQL server tables.I am able to import only those dbase files with out any null values in the columns. Import fails when there is a column with null values.I want to import these dbase files also into SQL. Is there any option to set up ?
We have same application running on two locations one using dbase files and other one sql server.The data will be entered only in the dbase files.End of the day we need to update the dbase file content to sql server tables.We need to schedule this activity using DTS packages
Can anyone...
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